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Wed 10th Mar 2021 03:35

A Call to Shadowfall Manor

by Igor

Port Domina
Igor, Eileen, Ruby, Grayson, Eelora, and LeRoy are wandering through the streets of Port Domina. They hear a passing newsy shouting out headlines one catches the parties attention. "Assistance wanted at Shadowfell Manor: Feral animals coming down from The Ashkeeper Peaks have been an increasing disturbance. They have a distinct aura about them and have been acting... peculiar. We are willing to pay out gold to anyone willing to thin out the beasts. We also offer a reward for anyone who comes to us with information leading to the cessation of these beasts. Inquire at Shadowfell Manor, in the clearing OUTSIDE of the walls in the front, there you will receive further information." Ruby was unaware and is surprised to hear the manor is offering rewards without her knowledge.
The party heeds the call and heads to Shadowfall Manor. They arrive and meet two other adventurous souls after bounty camped in a clearing near the manor. Manor staff arrive to explain the situation and are surprised to find Ruby, They explain the animals are uncontrollable and refuse all efforts to plakate them. The common thread apart from violent behavior is a slight yellowing of the eyes. The group heads inside the manor and are awed by its ancient opulence. They wait for morning to begin hunting the feral beasts.
Trekking over hills and up bluffs the party hunts for the malignant beasts. Atop of a hill our heroes find a battle taking place between 2 giant goats, 4 spiders and 3 vultures. Igor unsuccessfully attempts to shoot the spiders from afar. Out of patience with Igor’s failures, Grayson charges in with his mighty broadsword missing a spider just as mightily. Battle ensues. After dispatching the motley assortment of critters our team heads on in search of more ignoble critters.
Skulking their way through the woods, crossing a stream, the five adventurers happen upon two enormous elk. Quick as snot the elk charged Grayson. Combat follows and the elks are slain. Just as the battle is ending two bears cross the stream and as they enter the water they shudder and convulse, taking on yellow eyes and a hostile demeanor. Suddenly enraged the bears attacked the group. After a short skirmish the bears lay dead. Investigating the water of the stream, oily yellow strings can be seen. In an effort to find out more the group heads up stream.
After a short hike they find a cave. Why not go in, I mean really why not. Working their way down they hear whispers coming from the depths. They begin to sneak but Ruby kicks a rock into the path it strikes LeRoy drawing a yelp before it rolls under Igors foot causing him to fall flat upon his face alerting what appears to be 3 Cultists surrounding a body on an altar. The jig is up, no time for talking, a fight breaks out. As the cultists begin to fall, one hastily finishes reading an incantation from a tome causing it to explode and send an evil yellow magic aura through the team, staggering them. Suddenly Rufus and Elora become enraged, yellow eyed, and interested in attacking everyone. Grayson pommel whips Elora knocking her unconscious, as she falls they yellow drains from her eyes. LeRoy attempts to tackle Rufus and pins him for a short moment before the dog blinks away and fails to bite Igor and is quickly subdued, being broken from the violent trance. Eileen traces the source of the evil to be three statues in the cave. A mighty Grayson topples two of the statues and the third is taken down by Ruby clearing the stream of the vile contamination. Our friends, victorious, journey back to Shadowfall Manor to report their experiences and collect their reward.