Sat 30th Dec 2023 01:19

Tattoos, Courtship, and Trees

by Kravlak MountainSpeaker

Oy, the dense air must really be getting to my head. Ha! I need to return to the mountains to breathe deeply again, though that dream (can I even call it that?) took me to a tree the heights beyond those of my beloved mountains. Beautiful view (and proper air), but who was that man? What did he mean when he said that I would be his champion, and who is this Dark Lady? Why must we stop her? Why do I feel this strange, foreign power surge through me? Too much dense air and bland food, it must be. To think, people willingly poison themselves with this.
That impressively dense and powerful woman we met... Why did she look to my arm for this tattoo? Why is that tattoo on my arm, and why did it replace my existing tattoos? Lastly, perhaps most importantly, how did this remarkably stout woman know the first two acts of my tribe's mating ritual, and why did she step through them with me after having just met me? Also, WHY DOES EVERYONE IGNORE MY QUESTIONS?!?! Both her and the old man (though I can't determine if he's real or not, though the tattoo came to me in that dream so.... maybe?) just blatantly ignoring my every word. Sigh.
Wait. Could she have been this "Dark Lady"? Dell seems to think so.
Dell and I make our way to Vogler, then onto Kalaman. We need answers, and our only lead is this piece of paper with four names on it. One of those is Dell, and on the back is the symbol of the Radiant Church. I don't know what, but I can assure you we will find answers when we speak with Father Williams. Hopefully those answers will soothe my poor friend's anger, and hopefully my cooking can placate him until we discover them.