Sat 24th Aug 2024 02:21

Second Conversation with Zivilyn

by Kravlak MountainSpeaker

"Seems like the tree has taken a liking to you, my gray friend. Have a seat. " *Zivilyn points to a seat created on the world tree*
"...what just happened? I see we're on talking terms again, with a chair even! This must be serious."
*I sit in the chair--at least he provided a proper chair, I miss sitting without worrying the furniture beneath me will collapse
"Ziv, I don't think we can stop that... dragon. Is it alive? I'm leading, and have united this party as you requested, but I'm not sure it'll be enough. As it is, that blue one likely won't let us stop this city from flying without a fight."
"It also appears that you have misinterpreted the goal. Not that you're to blame--the future is always fuzzy. The goal here is to stop the city from rising. Seems like you're on the right path. But victory doesn't always correlate to success. Takhisis has her plans. After your victory, I am sending reinforcements to Kalaman. Look to the sky, it must not fall."
"How do we inhibit the source of power to prevent the city from flying? How many armies are invading Kalaman--more than the red dragon army?"
"Entering the tower will give you answers, you will face the brunt of the red dragon army."
*A, what would be to many uncomfortably long (you get used to it with Ziv), long pause ensues*
"I'm traveling with such incredible adventurers. Why did you choose me? What of my clan? My siblings..?
..You said 'the tree has taken a liking to me'. Am I championing *you* or the tree? What am I to Aylin then? Why does Takhisis want her blood, and my companion Xanxian?"
"I chose you because you have always thought about the bigger picture. You seemed to have an inkling for the future. Your clan is scattered. But I see a reunion coming. And I don't think a new champion, more of an ally, in terms of the tree. Takhisis always has schemes. I was assume the power Xanks can wield will be great, being able to harness all three moons. Aylin's blood must have some special properties to it."
"What of the Runemaster 'Steve'? Does he have a name? What other help can we enlist to defend the city? There were talks of awakening other dragons, where are they? What role do Habbakuk and Dell play in this? What of the Radiant Church and their machinations/plots/assassinations?"
"All knowing is not something I wish for you. All will be revealed in due time."
*I reappear in the Temple of Paladine, adorned with a new tattoo on my other arm, radiating a feint, earthy glow. I feel more connected to Zivilyn, and my magic seems to have changed. Interesting...*