Thu 9th May 2024 12:13

The Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea

by Kravlak MountainSpeaker

How many times has it been now? I told him that toxic water would slowly rot his brain, and lo, here he is. Another sword through the neck yet he stands before me, though he seems... different? More charismatic? I slap Dell harder this time to get my point across. We both know what's at stake here-his soul and mine to fulfill his stupid pact for vengeance. Sargonnas, you're a clever one for preying upon such a feeble-minded (and toxic-water-exposed) individual. That's four times now? When will he learn? I may have to beat this lesson into his head the Krav-way...
We dispatch the reanimated knight (how many times do I need to tell these lowlanders that the proper right of passage is to bury the fallen deep within the earth to initiate the cycle of life?) despite his body being aglow with purple flame and his sinister sword donning the same coating. I can't believe I'm putting these words to paper, but it was Lord (yes, as much as it pains me to write it, he's earned the title) Charity who dealt the mortal blows that crippled the... "creature". Miracles never cease to happen. An interesting note, my newly discovered flail can glow and it interacts with my ability to command foes to obey me. It provided magical healing to my comrades who are near me. Truly a blessing.
"Steve" searches the sarcophagus to discover what we believe to be a Dragonlance. I thought these were merely myth; shows that there's still so much to learn. "Steve" thinks he might be able to repair. Good, because we'll need all the help we can get. As we return from the catacombs the crippling weight of reality cuts short the elation of our victory--Kalaman has no leader.
We converse with Derrett about the state of things and agree to empower Vendri to lead the city amidst the instability. Hopefully she can install new councilmembers quickly and prepare the city for the impending siege in six months Lead them...
Upon her return, we brief her with the goings-on and lay out our plan to proceed. We suspect that a metallic dragon is asleep north of us in the Northern Wastes, perhaps near the City of Lost Names, where Soth had instructed these minions to head towards. We make plans to set out bright and early, with some troops departing later to support us on our expedition.
Dell procures us a vessel so we can, despite my vehement objection, sail on the toxic water to the north. What's worse, these wastes become flooded whenever one of the three moons is full. Fortunately, I have some magical ability through Ziv to allow us to temporarily walk on top of the water, but I believe it's best not to tempt nature. We can't breathe that vile substance! Again, Dell, why would you choose to spend your life on top of it?!? Ugh.
As we progress into the wastes I notice a sea elf by the name of Ishvern Stargazer. He gives us some info on what's transpired on the northern seas. The blue and black dragon armies have been active, so his tribe avoids them. He's eager to be rid of them, so he agrees to help us awaken the metallic dragon. First, he invites us down to a shrine dedicated to Habbakuk. His tribe makes a pilgrimage to this shrine to worship.
The only problem? The shrine lies at the bottom of the chasms that flood during high tide. Fortunately a low tide just started, but still, I can't help but feel like we're tempting fate like Dell being down here. Ironic isn't it? Dell is drowning in his obsession of vengeance and tempts Sargonnas with his reckless actions, yet I'm down here visiting a shrine that's inviting my demise.
Both of us flailing at the bottom of the deep blue sea.
Lead them, unite them, save Kalaman.