* 2 Polar Bears chase Chossen Wan out of the cave.
* We hear a evil creature named Ravisin yell, “Ten Towns will be destroyed. If not by my hand then by the Frost Maiden!”
* Ravisin hits the entire party with an ice ball for more than 20 damage
* She screams “My beast will avenge us!” before exploding herself and everyone around her
* A nearby bush, named Woody, grows very quickly, blooms fruit, and talks to us all very slowly
* Tells us that Ravisin blames Ten Towners for the death of her sister, a frost druid
* Ravisin awakened many plants and animals around Icewind Dale
* Ravisin awakened evil aligned creatures like the white moose, a lake monster, etc.
* The rest of the party discovers a half rotting corpse in a sarcophagus
* It has a shark-skin pouch containing 2 vials
* Woody tells us about a sarcophigus and we burn the correct ingredients and a mummy comes out
* Mummy Dearest follows Woody the bush
* Mummy follows our orders because we woke him up
* We invite Woody and Mummy Dearest to drive the cart. If Mai is surprised, she doesn’t show it.
* We try to camp in our cart and are attacked by Chardalyn Berserkers
* They take more than 50 damage before being bloody
* We end on a cliffhanger mid-fight