* We think about leaving when Sally makes the decision for us by popping in and blowing the place up
* We somehow manage to hold it together and defeat both the king and his fire demons
* Opening the door on the other side of the room, we discover Moe, Lohengrin’s long lost friend
* Moe says that McGonnigaul only wanted Lohengrin because he was her only failure
* We also manage to save a Durigar who’s been trying to recruit for Grandolpha
* We check out the last rooms in the castle
* While looting a room full of chests, we find the skeletal body of Cloak’s mother
* As we’re leaving, the Durigar tells us Grandolpha plans to destroy the castle
* Sous passes on talking with his old Chef as he doesn’t feel like there is anything to be gained
* Vellynne Harpell asks us to help her find an ancient Lost City of Ythryn buried under the Regaled Glacier. It’s supposed to be the source of all the magical items in our world.
* She says she needs “magic to crack it open” from two objects: the Codicil of White and the Professor Orb
* It could also lead to ending the everlasting winter