* Sous attunes to his Bloodline Blade overnight and has a vision of the events that lead Sir Lamorak to becoming turned into a vampire
* Grit says that Loneywood sacrifices food to the Frost Maiden
* We visit Iris Cree, owner of the Happy Scrimshander
* Bill says that there’s a polar bear in the same place where we found the white moose
* Titanius Quote of The Game: "We prefer not to be called livestock..."
* Sous trades the 4 battle axes he found for 3 climbing gear and a sheath for his new greatsword
* We follow Grit’s directions East to the Town of Chosen
* A blizzard traps us with a Snowy Owl Bear
* Grit attacks it and impresses both Sally and Sous
* Lohengrin calms it down enough to prevent us from being eaten
* We make it to the outside of the town of Chosen and decide to camp outside of town to enter it more dramatically in the rising sun
* In the night, 2 Perytons attack the cart and set off our alarm
* Sally manages to stab her first creature
* We kill and cook them
* Grit brings us into the secret Town of Chosen
* We go into the Town Hall to meet Ballan the town speaker
* We are met by a woman named Katrina who looks back and forth between Chosen and the statue of his likeness