Fri 6th Aug 2021 04:47

(Pre) Day 1: The Trip

by Avery Bains

After FINALLY getting Dad to say yes, here we are at Comicon! I'm so fricken excited! I have an itinerary of everyone and everything I want to see. The Torchwood panel, the StarGate panel: Apparently they have REALLY good speakers this time!
There's so many people here today, it's so packed! There's a certain buzz in the air and a lot of stares and pictures for all the hot cosplaying girls. Dad even seems to be enjoying himself! I caught him getting a picture with a really good cosplay of Yang from RWBY! ....I'm not sure he knows what that IS, really, but he seemed to like the girl. I wonder if she made the costume herself...
It's good he's starting to come out of his shell a little. It's good for him. Make him forget mom a little. "Little, little, little, Avery stop using the same descriptive words in your writing; once per paragraph." Ugh, Mrs. Stevenson.
....I haven't seen Dad for a little while, actually. Maybe he got distracted by the humiliated guy in the tux. Poor guy. Ah well, he knows my plan, so I'll meet up with him after the panel!

  • Avery
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