Fri 6th Aug 2021 05:02

Day 1: The Real One...

by Avery Bains

I don't understand. I don't understand, I don't understand, I. DON'T. UNDERSTAND. Why am I here? Did I do this? Did I drag all these people here? Was the StarGate real? (Don't be stupid, idiot, of course it wasn't... but how do you explain-)
Ok. Ok, ok ok, focus on the real:

  • There are three moons.

  • I hurt; I hit a tree.

  • I'm here with the Yang RWBY girl Dad got a picture with. (Jessica)

  • The humiliated guy is here too. (Steve or something, I missed his name)

  • Gundam Guy. Check. (Carter - I only remembered cuz of Agent Carter)

  • Girl in a trenchcoat. Seems to be protective of the RWBY (Jessica) girl. (Joe)

  • ....I feel like I'm going out of my frickin mind. My head hurts, my everything hurts. This was supposed to be my good weekend... No, stop, focus on the... the good? They could be psychos, I guess. I mean, I don't know for sure they AREN'T, but they seem nice.
    Jessica keeps talking about a slasher. I'm trying to not be scared, but...
    My phone rang . I was hoping it was Dad (it wasn't). Joe seemed confident enough and told it to fuck off. But when they came back, Jessica was talking about a slasher again. This is like one of those "Other World" comics or books... except we're gonna be lunch, cuz there's no god to save us. They would have shown up by now, I'm sure.
    Ugh. Pine needles are itchy.
    ....But they're nice. I'm fed, I'm warm... and they've been very kind.
    Yeah. Breathe. I'm ok. I'm ok. (I miss Dad.)
    Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq , six, sept, hiut, neuf.
    (Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq , six, sept, hiut, neuf.)
    Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq , six, sept, hiut, neuf.
    (Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq , six-)
    Sept, hiut, neuf...
    Sept, hiut, neuf...
    Sept, hiut...

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