
Stereotypes and a pair of fuzzy ears.

by Avery Bains

I didn't want to put the money on the table. I didn't want to see her face fall further. It broke my heart. And I was scared she would start hating me. (I hope she doesn't hate me. She's becoming my best friend.)
"Back on Earth" is gonna start sounding like fiction eventually.
Back on Earth: I remember that feeling, honestly. I can't tell them, but I was really smart back then too, I just wasn't good at anything physical. (I was so elated when I found out I could JUMP here!!) Dad said it was gangly pre-teen years, but I sucked at sports (and got beat up for it) and I was always tripping over my own feet. (Aaand now because of that, I've doomed 4 people to this pla [scribble] No, don't think like that. Not good for you. Remember what Rebecca said.) But it's like... being forced to be active and outdoorsy, when inside my head all I wanted to do was learn stuff.
So now, I'm this rabbit-kid. I know it should be impossible to KNOW you've gotten smarter, but I DO. Smarter and faster. But for what? I'm in a place where it's basic biology and chemistry. Physics still exist, but are blown away by super powers. And the one thing I COULD study, mana engines and stuff-... well I don't DRAW MANA. I have brain powers. ....I didn't have the heart to tell them I can't pull any mana. How can you study something if you can't perform the experiments on it?
It seems that here, Kouvael (now that I know how to spell it) are marvelous engineers! Made most of the modern tech, respected as engineers just at the sight of a pair of floppy ears. But I'm not an engineer. This place is full of stereotypes, and it hurts me to see it. Jo seems to be the only one immune from it because no one knows what to make of her. I really hope it doesn't come to that. One person, just one. Please.
[two lines through it] (It also sucks that I tried to warn them about the seamstress lady but no one took me seriously until she ripped Jess off.)
(No, no, don't think about that. You're a kid, they don't know how smart you are, they protect you.)
I was proud that I could fix the books. The guy just let me do my thing, confident I could sew them up. (Fuzzy ears.) It was going to be 2 bronze a book, but when he checked on me the first time and saw that he "couldn't see the stitch lines or glue", he upped it to 5 bronze a book and put me on the more expensive ones. So, 40 books later-
Is using powers cheating?
Fuck it, I don't care.
....I wonder if Jess thinks I pity her because I use Skate on her.
Ugh, I hate my brain. (Sorry Rebecca, I'm trying I swear.)
Sept, hiut, neuf.
Sept, hiut, neuf.
Sept, hiut-

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  1. (Pre) Day 1: The Trip
  2. Day 1: The Real One...
  3. Stereotypes and a pair of fuzzy ears.
  4. Day...3-6? 7?