Sat 1st Jun 2024 07:58

Moons and Alcohol

by Sir Drinksalot Xanxian Drinksalot

I know it is bad to be marked by Takhisis. I realize that she is evil and I want to stop her. Why do none of these other "gods" know anything about the moons?
Why don't they know about my connection to the moons?
Am I just a mistake to them. An after thought.
Why is it only Takhisis that awakens my connection to the moons? Why is Takhisis the first to talk to me about the 3rd moon.
No one before Kravlak even believed me that there was a 3rd moon. Oh Xanks you must be drunk there isn't a 3rd moon. Yet there's evidence. The tides move in and out of these wastelands based upon the full moon of 3 moons. Not 1, not 2, but 3.
I ask this goddess of the seas if she knows the moons and I get a no. What the fuck? Your tides are controlled by the moons not by you. I can feel the pull of the moons. I can feel their power flowing through me. I can feel the balance between the 3 of them. I can't imagine the turmoil that would occur on Krynn without these moons. Magic, seas, time and life itself are impacted by the moons.
(side note: the good thing about this goddess is that she helped Dell. The weight on his shoulders has lifted. It's there but he now has a divine being that is willing to shoulder the load with him instead of just adding more to his load. It does seem like Kravlak is tied into the previous deals so that explains the tension that was occurring between those two friends. Do the gods just want to be cruel to us? Why would she take on the image of Dell's beloved? What is the meaning of that? oh well, none of this god stuff makes much sense as can be seen by the rest of this journal.)
Why doesn't anyone else and even the gods understand this? I do believe that the moons are gods or goddesses. I believe in them but can they intervene and help us with Takhisis. Or based upon their nature do they need things to play out to maintain the balance. I wonder if I will ever know.
Ok on to more important things. The sea elves don't have alcohol but they have some crazy plants that make them see strange things. I can somewhat see the benefit of that especially if you live under the water where it is dark and gloomy all of the time. (once again how do you see the moon or the stars or the sun if you are living under water but I digress) However it just isn't my thing. I like knowing my adventures and images are real. Unless I get some bad alcohol or drink tooooo much, I can usually depend on what I am seeing. My judgement during those times may be questionable but that's another story. Actually my judgement can be questionable all of the time but why live waiting and in fear. You have to go out and live and move forward.
We found or Kravlak found a cool cave. I really thought I was going to meet a dragon to talk to and see what they know about the moon and alcohol. Instead we met some more of those dragon men. Uggh that's frustrating. I think I am starting to get a sense for what each type of dragon man has abilities to limit the damage I can do. It is frustrating though because it is fun to just blow them up with fire and feel the magic flow but I have to keep my mind going and observe what is going in battle and especially to not hurt our team any more.
There was a lot of treasure in this cave and it sounds like it used to be the home of a blue dragon. Are these metallic dragons real or is the only metallic dragon that we are going to see are the ones that Tatania has made?
Dammit I keep forgetting to ask Kravlak to find me some whiskey. I emptied one of my flasks to carry some of that pure water that was actually quite good. I am starting to run low because for some reason there are no taverns in this wasteland. Those sea elves didn't have any to replenish my stock. Hmmm how much do I have left? I am going to have to ask Charity if he has any stashed.