Sat 15th Jun 2024 04:54

Out of Alcohol...what next?

by Sir Drinksalot Xanxian Drinksalot

I gave that old dude (he doesn't have a name so I asked him to come up with one while we go find a key) my last flask of whiskey that I had saved from Vogler. I drank my vodka while with the sea elves and replaced that with the water from Habbakuk's chapel. I finished my large flask of beer during the travels through this dry mesa filled lands. Just looking around made me thirsty. Also with all of the trekking around and needing to get an early start, I finished my morning Red Moon drink ( a special drink I made of vodka, tequila, tomato juice, lemon juice, pickle juice and some spices to get me going in the morning). Uggh I thought if we found this City of Lost Names I might be able to pick up some more supplies. The Sea Elves didn't drink alcohol. I may have to use some of the plants that I took that they imbibed to create something new. I may work on that real quick before we leave this forge (this forge was a bust and we can't fix the dragonlance here). Yes we found brass dragons....ooh that reminds me of another drink called Brass Monkey.. that funky monkey. However I still need vodka, rum and orange juice for that. hmmmm... I wish I had magic that could make some alcohol. My ice magic is getting better and that will come in handy for some cocktails in the future if I can maybe reduce the scale of that spell. I was able to finish off 2 fire giants with that spell ( our group is getting fairly good at staying alive...there were some close calls for Charity and Kravlak but the team helped each other out which was amazing to see and Dell didn't go rushing into the front line so that helped) and slow down their rejuvenation from the lava. Hmmmm...maybe I should try the lava in a cocktail. What if I mixed the lava with some of the fermented sea elves plants and distill that? Oooh I haven't asked our two new friends the fire goliath twins Krathi and Kalane if they have alcohol or if they know any recipes that use lava for cocktails. As garnish I can add a goodberry that Dell keeps handing out. Hopefully finding these canaries or dogs won't take too long and we can get back here to wake up the dragons. I am sure they have some good recipes and if not could at least fly us somewhere to resupply. I hope this doesn't take too long.