Sun 5th May 2024 02:21

Maybe Team?

by Sir Drinksalot Xanxian Drinksalot

Uggh we had to wait so long so I drank a lot. At least I was to refill my flasks and man was I tired. The city of Kalaman is mellow. There party scene is quiet. The people have confidence in Vendri and the military but Vendri is smart enough to know that you need more than the military to run a city. These citizens care for the city and are willing to stand with it. So how did we get here?
Well the evil spirits that took over the Knights of Solamnia butchered the council. We managed to "stop" one but he was pulled from the body. We learned about Soth and what complete piece of shit of existence he is. I know we are told to run away from him but he seems like a darkness on the world that needs to be removed. Soth somehow awakened a knight Lord Sarlamir and Dell recklessly charged up and got the litter life smacked out of him. I taunted Sarlamir to distract him.
I know you think you are high and mighty because you were the latrine master for Soth in charge of shit irrigation and composting
but you can't face us, you can't stand up to us, you can't reach us,
We are the 4th flour motherfucker and we are coming crashing down on you with the
Hero of Ages and that would be enough on it's own but we also have
The cursed scourge of the 3 seas bringing the power
The rock djinn of forgotten forgers bringing the strength
The Caregiving Chef of the Highlands bringing the heart
A True Knight Solamnia that embodies his name and brings the fortitude
and lowly me the drunkard of the moons that distills
purity of Solinari, the bitterness of Nuitari, and the balance of Lunitari
into the liquor of life: magic and as is with any cocktail sometimes
it goes down as the sweet ambrosia of the gods
or is refreshingly cold that it chills you to the bones
or it burns all of the way through
I was able to cast some spells on him but I took care this time not to have any of the party in the mix. Especially since Dell went down. He looked like he was finished but there was a flash of a bird and he was back up again. We were able to finish Sarlamir and recover a rusted dragon lance. Soth called him to the City of lost names which is to the north. I was ready for us to go forward but Vendri and the others wanted to wait so I ended up on the taverns. The city is definitely subdued but there is a core of strength here. I want to make sure this city stays intact but instead of heading forward we wait. UGGGGGHHHHH.
We also debated on the route. Oh I miss the sea and being able to see the stars and moons clearly at night. It's so peaceful but the team decided that the boat voyage would be too dangerous and that we should head inland as soon as possible. That's what we ended up doing. We are starting to make decisions as a team. Something is definitely shift and it seems like for the better in how we work together. Maybe it was my speech.
We head north and we trek across the desolate lands. Somehow Kravlak can see Sea Elves in the middle of the dessert. I think his perception is soo good that he just manifests these things. Maybe if ask him to look for a good bottle of whiskey then it will just appear in front of us. I will have to try that soon. So we find a Sea Elf and they keep shushing me about asking him about beverages. He goes underwater they say but I think they are being shortsighted. I am sure that there is some culture under the sea and that they eat and drink as well. It may be different. Maybe there is some interesting plant life that they suck on that tastes like alcohol. Sometimes you just have to have some imagination.
However there seems to be some sort of temple down here. The Blue Phoenix Shrine. The bridge in Vogler had that symbol and we have the Raging Phoenix with us so it only seems right that we should tempt the gods and check out this shrine.