Sat 6th Apr 2024 02:57

Get in Line Bitches

by Sir Drinksalot Xanxian Drinksalot

Her if.....I am pissed at her.... how dare least the dark lady shows her evil....She just hides behind her memory loss and her happy go lucky joy of killing people....oh I'm good at this.... fuck that.....I do not enjoy killing people. All I want is to be out there having fun with people and enjoy life and brew. Damn her. Yes I am mad that I hurt Borreas but I didn't kill him. She will just need to get in line with everyone else that is trying to kill me including myself. Let's see here in order of what might happen now.
Dark Lady ---- she might kill me... ok Dell checked her out and she's an illusion for now
Dragons and Dragon Riders ------ fuck them I won't let them kill me....let's first try some thunder and then some fire...I don't think I can get them with my ice which i would love to freeze their asses
Myself ---- Why am I important to Takhisis? Why is Aylin important to Takhisis? Why is using magic feel so good? It sometimes feels better than drinking which I never thought there would be something that would be as enjoyable. I push my limits with the thunder to shatter those dragons and their riders. Uggh that made me tired and I feel like my life drained a little but it also felt so good. Thanks to Kravlak showing up and some weird energy I feel recovered a little magically and he had some of good potions. That made me feel better too. It was also nice to connect to the moons again and bring down the energy of the 3 moons onto that rider and dragon. The 3 moons; balance and fullness - how do I learn more about the moons. so tired...need to get through this battle.
Aylin - I get it that Borreas was her friend. I wouldn't say he and I were close and actually we barely knew each other but I didn't hold anything against him. She only believes in one justice and that's the justice of her axe. The Gay Axe bringing it's colorful judgement to all.
Kravlak - he is pissed. I suspect it isn't due to the prank from before we left. I don't like disappointing him. He has a good heart so I really don't think he would kill me physically. He might just kill me with his disappointment
Dell - I can't believe he is this low on the list. He has really changed. and now he has a dwarf friend....where did he come from?
Thank the moons for Charity. I suspect if he hadn't blocked Aylin that this list wouldn't have been made. He is really maturing. Still a little low on the brightness but that's why I am here. We are a good team. This will be fun to prompt him up as the Lord of the Keep. I should ask him what he wants to name his keep. It was nice of Vendri to put him charge. Aylin looks pissed at him probably because he blocked his blow at me. I am going to keep my distance from her for now and maybe just stay here when they go off to help Darrett.