Wed 2nd Aug 2023 10:24

Braaverton comes to an end.

by Leonidus Snow

We awoke in the mansion, then departed back to town. Along the way my stomach rumbled. The mansion had no food what-so ever, meaning I haven't eaten in 2 days. I took it upon myself to go hunting, but got jumped by an owl bear. One hit, and I went down. Fizz revived me with a spell, and although I hate magic, I won't turn down healz. I got back up, and immediately used my mighty "Daunting Roar" to make the owl bear regret messing with me. Somehow this made me feel stronger, I think I went "Ding."
We continued back to town. Love wanted to seek out the Radish Salesmen to check up on him, as he had been turned to stone when the town was initially attacked. I saw an opportunity and decided to ask this man to follow along. Next stop, the mayor. The mayor seemed not too surprised when I told him what we had found in the Forrest, or even that his friend was to blame. He brushed off my warning off, so I then used the radish salesmen to further my point. If the mayor is to keep this kind of dangerous and new magic around, there must be accountability. I forced him to agree to a blood oath to ensure if this ever happens again, I can kill him or whomever occupies his office. AND Nicklecraft as well. He agreed.
He seemed to want to be on our good side afterward, and allowed us to buy at any of his shops for a discount. Paid us. We can also buy land here, or open shops. Zex and I seized this opportunity to go down to the markets. He was able to purchase for a great deal for very little after taking a loan out from Fizz. I sold my hammer in favor of a scimitar, it seems to swing a bit more true. Everyone else seems to scatter and check the other shops before we got a bite to eat.
At the tavern I brought up how there is more yet we could do if we wanted to pursue turning in this bounty I have. Everyone shockingly agreed and we proceeded down to the stables. This is when Love showed even more financial stupidity and bought us all Horses rather than pay the 2 gold for a river guide. I unfortunately had to share a horse with the smelly small human. He seems of no harm, rare enough for a human.
Two days of travel later and we proceeded south to my bounty in a town named Angor- followers of Unos the Bear Provider. Salt lined the rooms and windows. Fizz took this as an opportunity to summon a bear spirit and see what the people would do. Seemingly nothing? These people perplex me but so far nothing to say they are necessarily bad people. Nevertheless, they agreed to pay the full 500GP even though I provided a head for a bounty that was posted for 'alive'. Provided we do some work for them of course. I do want to buy my own horse, so I agreed, and the party seems to like the idea of more money too, so I won't disappoint.