Thu 3rd Aug 2023 03:06

Jungle days

by Leonidus Snow

We leave the town square to follow a local named "Tsua Shan, " where before we had broken a salt line in experimentation. Here we learn about Unos. Their Bear 'God?'. Mostly we just made fun of Var for being a shit Artificer. Fizz takes seconds of the soup on offer before anyone else can have a bowl and immediately poured it into a bag dousing his belongings in soup. I'm still trying to figure out what the gnomes intentions are before Love decided to get up. He carefully walks over to Fizz and falls over him. Fizz looks around probably for shit to steal and doesn't look interested with anything on display. These people continue to amuse me.
We then learn about the children's fate, being lost in a storm while gathering berries. Sure wouldn't have happened if they were hunting. Dweebs.
Zex and I leave after hearing the lady drone on about berries that glow. I didn't want to hear her ramble so I asked him to look for rats with me. Once outside I motion for us to sneak to the elder. But before I can even get to finish the sentence, Zex snatches up a rat. This man and his rats. It's weird.
Once we sneak to the hut, I overhear the elder talking to guests about the missing children. Nothing we don't already know, but she still seems off to me. Then they change subjects to the festival which will happen at the town square. Zex and I leave before villagers could have spotted us. Rather than head back, we investigate the town. Basically I found bunny meat drying racks. They aren't big game hunters, so they seem to live off of veggies and bunnies. I made sure that Rodney and I are still on the same page via light threatening and decided to return. I messed with another salt line along the way.
I would learn later back at the hut apparently these folks sell berries to sell. Something about the berries grow when wet. Gay. At night they glow as well. Cool, yellow glowing wet berries. What ever, I stopped listening and went to bed.
Before dawn, a massive storm shook us all awake. Lightning bright enough to shine through the walls and gaps in the hut's making. I will give it to them, they know how to make a stick shelter and it didn't collapse. Most everyone went back to bed. I stayed up. This place still seems to feel off to me despite no evidence as of yet. Humans are mysterious with their intentions.
Dawn breaks and we split bread. Fizz takes more than his fair share. Again. I tell him to take my share if it something not meat. In return he will give me a 'guiding hand'. I said, only if I need help. I don't need help. Then we set off if the direction of where the kids were last seen. Soon after walking into the forest jungle it became clear it will be too dark for the human, so I lit a torch, gave it to Varv. I walked on ahead.
Another hour or so of walking and no sign of the kids, we find some of the glowing berries we heard so much about. I don't want to be here for the berries and won't be gathering any. Love walks up to the glow. I supervise via leaning against a tree.
How do these children get around in such darkness? One dropped torch and that's a lost child. Stupid humans.
Love picks some berries , Var eats one sunberry off the bush which makes his mouth glow. Fizz continues to pick berries while Zex and I went ahead. Fizz and love move on to more bushes before it becomes clear that berries aren't the only thing that glows around here. A group of bushes begin to shift and fly off. I think nothing of it, fire-flies are something I hear of down in the south. These bugs seem to be targeting light sources, this becomes obvious by their chasing of light sources. This is funny as Fizz and Love made their armor glow.
Love has Fizz throw fire into a bush to confirm this theory. A magic bear is again summoned. Gods, talk about overkill for some damn fire flies. Var is swarmed by some fire flies that flew right past me, presumably for his torch. Var thinks quick and throws the torch to get away escaping one attempted attack of opportunity and distracting the other. Maybe the human is useful.
After Var runs off very heroically. One of the perusing swarms came over and zapped me! I swiped back before backing up. That fucker got me good that time and hit me 3x as hard. Fucking ouch. Zex killed his rat and then turn to the flying fucks to almost one tap a swarm with his bow via crit. Fizz summoned some vines to trap the bugs, and then another motivational bear. I personally don't feel like swatting bugs so I tried to scare them off. UFO 2 didn't want to leave so I bitch slapped it with the side of my scimitar. This killed the swarm. Var charges into battle to take on the big bad swarm of bugs. Var takes the rest out in a mighty swing of a stick and killed another small swarm. The last swarm never returned.
More glows are in the distance as we finished the fight. Love heals me for 9 of my 10 missing. We rest in the darkness before proceeding further.