Thu 14th Sep 2023 12:48

Possible new work

by Leonidus Snow

The butler doesn't want to make a business deal for the glamor armor. offered all my gold too as down payment, but he clearly didn't learn any good business ideas from his lord.
So we walked to the other lord's manor and love tried to outsmart the guards by running some tongue twisters. It failed and he bought them each a beer even though it's mid morning. This may be useful.
Next we berated some homeless guy for info. There we learned nothing. We ducked away into a alleyway and there, var proved himself to be a shape shifter. Maybe it's a prejudice of mine, but any man who can change his face has no honor. This would have been good to know earlier to now.
From there we learned from a nobleman who was quite presumptuous of our status because of our traveling habit. But he does reveal a bit more about Garth, and Dastrin. Dastrin as an eccentric, and Garth as respectable for personally helping the noble. Wonder if he helps those in all corners of this town, or just the rich humans.
After he leaves, we decide to use Var for his talents, and try to learn about Garth's Man-whore-isms. Love and Var approach the gate in standard form. They promised to want to buy a shop from Garth and make something called an HOA?
Zex and I take this time during their rambling to sneak around to case the joint.
I look back over my shoulder to see at least the guards go off to talk to someone inside about letting them in.
I elect to boost Zex up the wall, it looks pretty well secluded. He told me of the guard that went inside and the one other guard in the garden/ back yard. Now we know what it looks like for later.
Meanwhile we would learn later that Var and Love got an audience to pitch some business opportunity. They will have to come back later.
To kill time, Everyone else decide to go drink. I elect to watch the shops as a time waster. The oddities shop stands out with having more people working it than before, as well as the armorer, have an excess of employees. One man enters the front, but never leaves. On the backside is a normal looking man in this upscale street with a sack.
Unsuccesfully sneaking, I elect to chase him down to try and bribe him. Dastrin sounds like a standard landlord collecting rent. He promises to meet me in the am with some info for Dastrin.
Meanwhile everyone did nothing for hours but eat bread and play around. Var did something at least and added to his tools.
Var went up to talk business with love, meanwhile Fizz checked bounties. This time I do nothing at the bar.
Meanwhile, back at the Mansion. Love and var barely pull off getting a second interview using artificer. They return to talk about how they got a second meeting to potentially make some shady shit in the makes. Looks like he's not all noble. They told the accountant thought they were toy makers.
They want me to sneak at the place where we already are staying. I leave them to drink beer and eat.