Memories of a journey 4 by Bellamy | World Anvil

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Mon 13th Jul 2020 03:47

Memories of a journey 4

by Bellamy Bashira

When we arrived in Madras, I was 9f course more than happy to be off the rocking sea and the tight confinement of that boat.
The first major leg of our journey was done and this new land was so strange and exciting and yet somehow familiar. A lifetime of my father's stories had painted an incomplete picture of this land, all at once made whole by seeing it with my own eyes.
I was excited, and so was Noct from what I could tell. My strange companion never ceased to surprise me. All at once familiar and mystified by the hustle and bustle of Madras. If anything I would guess Noct was inspired, although expressions were difficult to figure out through that mask… I had begun to pick up on a certain tone of voice and volume of questions when the beginnings of a song or poem were picking at Noct's mind.
I almost felt bad for dragging Noct away from the busy main streets to secure us a place to rest for the night… but I didn't plan on us staying.
"Are you sure about this, Dreammaker?" Noct sat crosslegged on the simple bed in our new room. In his lap was my helmet, which he held and stared into the eyes of as I set about getting dressed to go out.
"Normally I wouldn't…. But we are in a new place, a new city, a new continent. No one is going to remember us, not in a place as busy as this" I explained my reasoning to Noct as much as I explained it to myself. Qesrir was still a long distance to travel, and there was no harm in taking a day to enjoy ourselves… besides the beaches I'd seen on our way in looked too good to pass up.
I chanced a glance over my shoulder at Noct, who had set the Helmet aside and was working on stripping off his own heavy armor in favor of more casual clothing. I did catch a smile on Noct's face though.
Grabbing my hooded cloak, I pushed open the window and looked out. 2nd story room, drops off into an empty alley. Perfect. I tossed Noct the room key.
"Same as usual. Close the window and lock the door, tell the Innkeeper I'm sleeping if he asks"
"As you wish, Dreammaker"
Then, I jumped out the window.
A short while later, Noct and I had regrouped and were now actually enjoying our time in the city. I still had my hood up, but the freedom of walking without my heavy armor was a blessing unto itself.
The city was truly a wonder, walking about to see the sights. Then there was the food. While it pained me to part with what remained of our dwindling coin, snatching up various sweets and foodstuffs from market stalls was worth every coin. From what I could tell, Noct was not quite as enthralled as he had been with peanut butter, but enjoyed sampling the culinary delights none the less.
At last, the sea.
We managed to find a small, somewhat secluded spot on the beach, away from the other beach visitors. As we set down up or place to rest. I made yet another risk for the day. Pulling off my cloak and stripping off all but my shirt and pants. I took a moment to bask in the freedom and the heat of the sun on my skin.
My hair caught in the wind, I just stood there for a time, relishing the moment, eyes closed and arms outstretched. For perhaps the first time in months I felt free and at ease. Noct did what he could to ease my worries often, but this was the only time is found that peace without outside help.
Opening my eyes, I looked out onto the ocean. Id seen it before. Looked at it often while we were on the boat. Then it had seemed unforgiving, holding us it it's powerful grasp with no options to go to… but now, on the white sand of the beach, the waves lapping at the shore, the sea glittering like diamond in the distance.
"It's beautiful" I said aloud, my voice soft but unchanged.
"It is. Many poets and writers have struggled into the ages to put it to words, few have come close… I think at moments like this 'beautiful' is enough" Noct mused from where they sat on the sand.
We sat and ate again for some time, cutting off pieces of bread and picking at some fruit. Noct and I watched the sea, speaking of things old and new, and of our journey here and forward.
In time, I chanced the strength of a human against the might of the sea. Diving into the cold waves. I had often taken to swimming in the river near my home, be it for exercise or to clear my head of the troubles of family and work. The river had often been a challenge, with its flowing currents… but it was nothing to the sea.
Even for a skilled swimmer such as I, the waves proved a unique challenge. Moving up and down, crashing at me with walls of water as I moved deeper into the surf. The cool water on my skin eased the strain of my muscles as I pushed farther and farther still.
After a time, I found myself before where they waves crashed. Where the water simply bobbed up and down. That feeling of peace came over me again as I gave in. No longer punching back against the sea, but floating along with it like a chunk of driftwood. Doing only enough to keep my head above water, staring out into the seemingly infinite water. I could stay there forever and there would still be no words for the moment besides Beautiful.
I returned from the water, my body tired and would no doubt be sore tomorrow, but that was a problem for tomorrow. Laying down on the simple blanket we had brought, I did what came naturally. Laying in the warmth of the sun, the water slowly drying from my skin, I closed my eyes and attempted to nap.
Do note that I said attempted.
"Dreammaker." Noct's voice cut through the haze of sleep that was starting to come over me
"... What is it Noct?" I turned my head, chancing a glance with my good eye.
"We have been visited by a crab" Noct was squatting nearby, carefully observing the movements of a small orange crab. Truth be told, I was surprised he recognized the animal, I hadn't assumed Noct had much knowledge of beaches… but ever the surprise I suppose
"Right… just don't let it steal our food" I said, closing my eye and settling back in to sleep.
"It seems friendly" Noct said, his voice already growing distance. The warm sand beneath the blanket, the kiss of the sun on my dark skin, the exhaustion following a good workout, it distant soft sound of waves. it quickly began to lull me to sleep. The world around me slipping awa-
"Dreammaker." Nocy's voice again, i sighed and did not open my eyes.
"What is it?"
"The crab has armed itself" Noct's voice came with a tinge of worry. In confusion I turned my head to see Noct backing away from the crab, which now held our bread knife aloft in its claw. Swinging the sharp blade wildly.