Kong, Leader of the Ragsmen by Claus | World Anvil

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Sat 26th Dec 2020 11:15

Kong, Leader of the Ragsmen

by Knight of Endurea, Follower of Gaius Claus Schulte

Dear Gaius,
We put our plan into action today. Yoni and Balasar infiltrated the base of operations of our enemy, the Ragsmen. I know not of the details, but it went off without a hitch. After getting my mother to a safer place, Lady St. Claire (who I still don't entirely approve of being so heavily involved in all of this) and I ambushed Kong, the Ragsmen's leader. Baly and Lady St. Claire hurried off to help Augustine. Together, Yoni and I were able to strike fear in our foe, and pry more information from him than I could have ever hoped. I thought I had her pegged, Gaius, but Yoni still finds ways to surprise me. She's shockingly good with coercion. Something to keep in mind, I suppose.
Preservus Leonus,
Claus Schulte