A Horrifying Revelation by Claus | World Anvil

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Sat 26th Dec 2020 11:23

A Horrifying Revelation

by Knight of Endurea, Follower of Gaius Claus Schulte

Dear Gaius,
I don't understand. Elarno spoke of a prophecy that would spell the end of Sadariin. He encouraged us to seek out Augustine to learn more of this strange shard. And now we've learned that we may have been carrying a piece of him all this time. All. This. Time. The very idea that I've been anywhere near something so vile, so cruel, so... evil... is too much for even me to bear. And Yoni, well as I said before, she still surprises me. Sometimes in the worst of ways. She says we may be able to use this power to defeat Sadariin. I do not know much of his ways, but I fear his influence could spread to my comrades... and even myself. ...Maybe it already has. I cannot destroy this shard, but mark my words, Gaius, I will find a way.
Preservus Leonus,
Claus Schulte