Sticks and Stones by Claus | World Anvil

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Thu 20th Aug 2020 02:33

Sticks and Stones

by Knight of Endurea, Follower of Gaius Claus Schulte

Dear Gaius,
My squadron and I rendezvoused with a portion of the Knights investigating this Everrook situation. Commander Joffrey led the soldiers as they made a plan of action. I ran into an old colleague of mine, Banner Eldritch. A fine man; definitely someone worth having on the battlefield. As the Commander and Eldritch discussed how to proceed, Yoni interjected with some of her own ideas. I felt it my duty to apologize, but something... unexpected happened. Not only did Commander Joffrey like her ideas, but he even hinted at a future for her as a Knight. I couldn't just stand back and not prove my worth to my Commander. I voiced my plan of attack, and it was met with... mixed responses. Gaius, I understand you must remain neutral, but I must ask: Why does Yoni get offered such a prestigious position at the drop of a hat, while I worked for so many years to get to this point? I can only hope it was a joke, but... I am afraid.
Preservus Leonus,
Claus Schulte