The Hammer & Nail by Claus | World Anvil

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Wed 18th Nov 2020 02:09

The Hammer & Nail

by Knight of Endurea, Follower of Gaius Claus Schulte

Dear Gaius,
Today, my comrades and I went to a place called the Hammer and Nail. It was a fine establishment, all things considered. The service left something to be desired, but the food made up for it. While we ate, Yoni asked me some questions. She asked about my plans for once Sadariin is defeated. And I told her I would continue to fight evil, as there will always be evil in the world. In truth, I've never thought about what I would do after Sadariin's defeat.
Maybe, I haven't truly believed I'll ever get to that point.
Preservus Leonus,
Claus Schulte