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Chapter 7, Session 48

Zionysus Vacation

by Eo Tyr

<In standard vtuber
Ahoy, my little hive~! The next part of the Super Sayu Randomizer will be up tomorrow as usual, but today, I have a special treat! I was approached by a charity a few weeks back, and they wanted to fly me and a few other creators out to Zionysus to do some outreach! Not often you get an opportunity like this, but they offered to pay for a hotel room, and it's Zionysus]! How could I say no? Worst that could happen is that it's some timeshare in disguise, and if it's that I can just expose them here and call it a day, but it turns out they were legit. More on them later!

Continue reading...

  1. Monetized Boredom
    Chapter 3, Session 12-13
  2. Introducing Space Pirate Rumblebee~!
    Chapter 4, session 16
  3. I went to the Lunar Festival on Chandran!
    Chapter 5, Session 26
  4. Zionysus Vacation
    Chapter 7, Session 48