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Tue 21st Mar 2023 11:57

Grout und Spacing

by Bricky von Wallenstein

Two weeks have past und soon another will as we continue our journey to ze Festival of Umanano, or at least I believe that's how they say it. Ze large elephants, I believe that Tobias has referred to zem as Loxodons always come to eat his buns, but never seem to give him so much as thanks. I myself appreciate his cooking, not that I need it but it has proven useful fur ze Kobalde Bogbean. The surprise on her face as I present day old bread to her is eternally amusing, suße. Zusammen, Sicher und zusammen, that is what matters. I don't know if she realizes how much I do appreciate her kindness, und that she didn't consume me like one of Tobias's Buns. Tragically he won't tell me how he makes zeem. I wunder if he uses a secret ingredient, it makes me question his guarded und greedy demeanor, maybe zat is why he won't let me near his cart. But besides that it would seem that I can count on all of these menschen.
We were assaulted in the evening, mehr Kobalde but ze were red unlike Miguel. They proved to be quite ze nuisance und it makes me silently miss ze Kobalde back at Castle Isenstadt, they were always so kind. Providing directions und materials when required und on occasion letting slip details of ze workings of the Doctor within ze Castle. These Kobalde clearly were not of the same mindset. Shockingly Tobias und se mysterious V went down in the scuffle. Drexla is a concerning creature, not only was she able to save Tobias but she was able to eliminate the enemy with devastating attacks. Still not sure how she does it, maybe ze metal wings or box on her wrist has ze answers. As for Luna, she held up quite well against them. Her hair is as mysterious as it is destructive und misleading, especially when ze Kobalde got back up, Es tut mir Leid. As for Bogbean, well I think I know where all zat bread und meat has been hiding, she has a tail!!! If I had blinked I would have missed that flying Syckle, good thing I don't have too. If I ever see her again I'll have to thank Todeshefter v3 for her "repair" lessons, und to be honest I was presently surprised zet it worked so well for V's poor neck, I still don't think he likes me, any rational reason escapes me. Maybe zat is part of being a "Captain."
As for the rest of the trip, Luna und ze others have asked me many questions about mein past. I have answered zem as best as I can but there seem to be a "disconnect." With every explanation und response, their faces und expressions would grimace und shutter. Is Castle Isenstadt really zet bad? Maybe if zey saw it with their own eyes they would understand what makes it such an interesting place. I hope it still is, but after Schreienacht..... But speaking of interesting places, ze festival at least from a distance seem quite entertaining but unfortually ze are rude if you don't have any money or if you happen to be a Leonin. Tobias wouldn't talk on ze issue, no surprise as he never talks about his past. The fact that he got worked up over V touching some random stone in ze City was quite humorous. It seems to be ze theme with ze menschen, everyone seems to not remember who zey are or where zey are from or zey simply won't speak of it. Makes me wunder if I should not have been so open und honest. The only two who I feel are truly honest are Miguel and meine freunde Bogbean. Meine Freunde, it's so plesent to say that again. Sicher und zusammen