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Mon 3rd Jul 2023 09:18

Steinschlüssel und zerbrochenes Vertrauen

by Bricky von Wallenstein

Ich feel sie pull, sie protokolle forcing me to act, to obey. To see sie others hurrying away, carrying their spoils und rescued friends. To see Bogbean almost skipping along in joy as she still talking to me, not realizing zat Ich was already leaving. Ich can still hear her calling out...... but I can't remember what happened next.
Sie smell und filth zat blurred mein vision when Ich finally awoke was quite stark und grotesque. Ich was in a grosse tent with sie Loxodons. Ich felt odd, und after a quick inspection discovered zat Ich had been repaired und restored too standard zat were typical fur Castle Isenstadt. Sie doctor is close..... Ich was only a few paces when Ich recognized sie voice of Miguel on sie stage. Ich felt compelled to follow him after he left sie stage. Sie Kobalde was quick to inform me zat "M" had assigned me as his bodyguard, scheisse. Not only zat but now Ich have to carry him through sie streets to do battle with meine freunde, Bogbean! Ich feel only guilt und shame as Miguel uses magics to create a howdah on mein shoulders und we were off. Ich was able to relocate sie camp quite schnell, und everyone seem happy to see me, but Bogbean seemed concerned? Ich was not able to say much as Miguel took charge. Claiming zat he was destined to be the greatest und zat to help him gain zis he had to destroy Bogbean. Ich was not worried fur meine freunde, but if sie situation did become severe zen ich would be in die Mühe. However Bogbean was quite kind to Miguel, to the point where when offered a potion as part of an apology, Miguel not only accepted it, but also took it. Ich am not a expert on sie manufacturing of potions but zat one zeemed quite strong as Miguel entered a fit of giggles und passed out. Ich was able to finally converse with sie others, explaining zat I was now a servant of Miguel und I couldn't remember what had happened. It would appear zat alot had transpired in mein absence. As Drexla, Luna, Tobias and Bogbean all pitch in with their accounts., V continues to be silent und allusive. It would appear zat die party looked fur meinself und zat I might be responsible fur murdering at least ein hume. Now ich am wundering if sie neuer replacement parts were provided too sie Doctor or if he happened to have spare components? Other zan dat, sie party claimed zat they had devised a plan to enter sie dream realm und save Ella. (Potential fur kleine components noted) However sie execution fur sis plan seems to have fallen short. Not zat Ich blame zem fur not saving sie kinde, Ich doubt der ist etwas Ich could have done to hilfe meine freundin. (Der Feind war zu stark) Ich can tell zat sie others are still on edge with meinself as Ich don't have sie answers, at least not to all of der questions. However as Miguel slept, sie party began devising ways to "free" meinself from Miguel's employ. (Wenn sie es nur wüssten) Their attempts wer unfortunately met with resistance from mein protokolle, Ich couldn't stop sie changes in their classifications. Even Bogbean had a go, und it caused meinself sie most splitting headache. To sehen meine freunde as red, even though it didn't last, was far more painful to bear. Damn sie Doctor fur doing zis to me, after all sie grief Ich have burdened zem with, Ich would have hoped zat Ich could have not screwed up sie group dynamics. One of sie only graces of sie evening was Miguel was willing to grant a partial leniency in mein service und to not try to kill Bogbean, zat potion must have been quite stark. All sie while, Bogbean was eating everything is sight, Ich wunder if du was nervous, stressed, or hungry? (Vielleicht alle drei) Ich never seen anyone sleep zo well, it must be gute, ja.
Sie following morgan, was our preparation fur sie tournament. As per usual manche went to run errands und manche stayed with sie cart. Bogbean wake up und had to leave in a rush. Supposedly she was supposed to meet Hunza fur a date?... training?.... a beating? .... sie groupe seemed to enjoy changing sie "appointment" description every few minuten. Solange sie in Sicherheit ist, then zat is what matters. Sicher und zusammen. Ich decided to stay with sie groupe at sie carte. Ich prepared fur meine next creation. Fur sie good doctor was always creating, und we also must create..... Ich waited fur Bogbeans return before ich fully started. Her tiny hands are soo hilfreich when completing stitchings on sie inside of gloves. Tobias seemed hesitant about sie gift, but took zem. Maybe he thought zat Ich used some of leathers zat Ich use fur meinself in zem....
With sie return of sie few remaining party members, we set off to do battle in sie arena. But everything zeemed off. Sie Loxodon leader was claiming zat we had come und spit on ser traditions und needed to fight to sie death to attone fur sie transgressions. Sie groupe was not entirely sure on how to proceed, but ich did notice zat when sie Loxodon smiled, it was unmistakable. Sie doctor was behind zis, und ich quickly told bogbean und Tobias, but zen it was too late. Sie smiling Loxodon turned to meinself und gave sie Befehl. Sie Stein in mein pocket was far more zan met sie eye. Ich had tried to warn zem, to have meine groupe know zat sie stone was something oder zan a rock in mein pocket. But sie dismissed it, und now sie stein was to be used. Befehl Potokolle. Sie stein had been placed, sie runes had been carved, sie blood had been spilled, mein work had been done. Ze were coming now fur sie ritual had begun.
Sie groupe was quick to act as foul creatures began to appear, for once we were a team und rallied together despite sie current events. Luna, V , Drexla und Bogbean were quick to attack sie blood like creature in sie center of sie arena while Tobias proved his worth again. Healing those in need while bringing down a column of destructive light down from the sky. (Die Macht war berauschend) Sie creature did put up quite sie fight, downing some of us und grabble others as well. Ich was out of power und could no longer fight to any true effect, Schutz Protokolle, Bogbean must be safe. Ich was about to escort her away from sie fight, when she did sie unthinkable an impossible task. She went fur sie stein!!!! Bogbean grabbed sie Stein und with a frightening scream of rage, ripped it from sie ground. Ich was sooo proud of her, but now Ich had more probleme. Ich held out mein hand, und she took it but not before pocketing sie Stein. (Kluges Mädchen) Ich grabbed meine freunde und ran, she warned of Mr. Peepers but Ich still pushed on. We had to get out of zis Höllenloch. As we approached sie cart, Bogbean burst from meine arms und ran ahead. Lincoln was attempting to steal from us again, nein nein nein. Sie two of us made quick work of sie Katzen, but to meine disbelief Drexla und V attempt to assassinate, it was only sie quick actions of Luna zat stopped zis. Ich can see her value now, she ist a protector, she can be trusted. We load up sie wounded und begin to leave. Drexla on sie other hand is now red, foolish fey.....