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Mon 8th May 2023 05:05

Stein und Taugenichts

by Bricky von Wallenstein

Miguel is missing, he's missing...... Nien, Nien, Nien, Zusammen, Sicher und zusammen, that is what matters. This will not be an evening with rest und "sleep" as Meine Freunde Bogbean puts it, I wunder if it's as pleasant as she claims? However I have neuer issues, sie group has noticed zat mein Schatten ist missing. Just another piece missing, if too many pieces are missing zen everything's going to fall apart, just like sie Wall.... However everyone interest in sie fact that I was now "shadowless" was nicht zo guht as Drexla thought zat taking me to the Feuer was a guht idea. Sie Flamme, to sie menschen it brings warmth, light, und other things, but fur mein self...... Ich can still see zem. Ich can hear zie sound of Stein und Knochen breaking, the crackling of smoldering flesh, sie Schrei of sie Genahte......Schreienacht. Everything was a blur, Ich ran und nuthing was could stop me. I was quite som distance from everyone when I was finally came to meine senses. I might have slammed into Tobias's cart, Verzeihung. Bogbean came after me, what would I do without sie kindness of Meine Freunde? I knew zat Bogbean deserved sie truth, at least sie primary pieces. I told her of sie flaw of us Genahte, Feuer und Flamme ist our bane, our weakness. I don't deserve to have Bogbean as Meine Freunde, she was zo understanding. "Moorbohne ist die Beste Bohne." Vell after zat incident, we decided to no return immediately to sie camp as it appeared zat I may have caused quite sie problem, having knocked over menshen und hopefully not damaged Tobias's cart.
Wir gehen around sie perimeter of sie festival. To think sie last time Ich was walking ein sie dark ich was alone, und now Ich has ein freunde to walk with, to not be alone. We came across of an encampment of Katzen, und Bogbean was quick to mention zat sie are the same as her other muter. To think Meine Freunde has had two muter while I can't remember mein own. "Iss dein Essen" is all I can remember, nein face just a memory, one zat even now I feel ist is crumbling away in meine kopf. Well sie kleine Katzen ignored use until we got close, leaving seir toys behind. Ich attempted to return sie toy to zem. Shortly after Ich felt a compromise in mein leg, the damage was too severe, considering mien current condition. I collapsed unable to protect bogbean, unable to continue.....taugenichts.
In the darkness, unfähig to move, unfähig to respond, I saw zem, screaming for Wallenstein, crying out fur hilfen.
Ich awoke to a surprise group of menschen. Including a menschen zat knew Emnarian!!! He was unaware of sie work of Dr. Wallenstein und like his companions was unsure of wut ich am. Danke sie left with little hassle und fewer questions, Wut could Ich have answered to sier satisfaction? It turns out Bogbean ran back with me, she is so strong, und with sie aid of Tobias, they were able to stabilize me. I vill have to find a way to thank both of them. Everyone was more curious mein "unique" aspects than normal, Drexla und Luna were discussing possible manufacturing more of sie "Promethium" having collected several samples while I recovered. Ich did make sure zat Luna was aware of how dangerous sie vials she possessed were. Ich wish sie had not found out, not like this.
Sie following day after another breakfast und pocketing more food fur Meine Freude, she is always so much happier when she is feed, we set out to find sie Loxodons as Tobias had made zem "apology food" Ich still not entirely sure why he is doing this. However it appeared to be sie fool's errand as Tobias never seems to know WHERE he wants to go. Ich had to lead sie menschen camp of sie Katzen, und secretly Ich was quite scared, sie fact zat something was able to bring me down, even in mien damaged state was cause for concern. Unfortunately at sie current rate, Ich will run out of viable material to repair und will require replacements. Not sure how I will handle zis as discarded "components" where plentiful at Castle Isenstadt, well at least after Ubertodenshefter Otto und Dr. Wallenstein had selected all of sie more desirable pieces. I do miss Todenshefter V3, her long red hair and smile were always so heartwarming und somehow familiar, like I had known her before.... Regardless she could patch me up, she always had sie spare parts when you needed zem.
While in zie camp we found Ela und discovered zat her "freunde" was a mysterious Mr. Peepers, und sie Myrrin think zat Hume names are basic, erbärmlich. Mr. Peepers apparently protects die Kinde from bullies. Bogbean was acting strangely, she kept claiming she could see a strange creature with piercing eyes and long claws, Ich believed her zen but any und all doubt party wide were put to rest when it attacked her, leaving a visible make on her sword. She claimed to have struck the creature but somehow it didn't die, probably a first fur meine freunde. Drexla und Bogbean encountered it again in a nearby alley and were able to force it to leave? Sie amount of Feuer und Flamme in this group on menshen is starting to seriously worry me. Drexla also found sie freshly mangled corpse of a Katzen adult, this was nicht zu guht. Sie problem seem to compound itself as when we reported this to zie leader of die Katzen was not only was very rude to Tobias, not zat is out of sie ordinary fur him. I've been meaning to ask him zum questions but sie proper moments seem to have escaped me. However what vas not normal was sie natural und demeanor this Katzen had toward Bogbean und sie Sword she is carrying. Ich know zat Bogbean can fight, but fur a moment ich felt an urge, when sie Katzen flashed red, but quickly back to yellow.....zicher und zusammen, that is what matters.
After sie completion of Tobias's errend of providing buns to sie Loxodons, it was time to register und prepare fur sie next match. Sie V team was called to the Fighting Circle first. It all makes sense now, Drexla has been making clouds of smoke that obscure sie Arena, making it quite difficult fur both sie contestents und audience to gaze upon sie match. It was a brutal fight from what we could see, und secretly Ich was surprised zat our companions achieved victory from such fierce Leonin. Drexla's final shot claiming sie day by the slimmest of margins. However ich fear zat our luck is running low as we are about to face another "Team Swole" und if they fight more fercly zen sie Loxodon zen we are doomed.
On a side note, Bogbean turned 9?!?!?! We need to celebrate zat as special days are important to remember ja.