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Mon 17th Apr 2023 05:03

Layer Eins, Broken Bricks

by Bricky von Wallenstein

We have gathered around ze fire that Luna has created out of thin air. Well at least the ones zat stayed. Luna zeems to become more dangerous se longer we have spent as traveling companions. However when asking how she performs ze acts, she is unable to explain why she can do it. Almost as if her will vas able to project her conscious thoughts into reality. Perhaps she has ze ability for creating great things oder terrible things. Her hair is a mystery, but it reminds me of Ubertodeshefter Otto, ze numerous appendages swayed in a zimilar manner. To my surprise und horror Bogbean can also create flame from her will power as vell. Das ist a terror, to think dat Meine Freunde is capable of such destructive power besides her zavage und beastial might is almost inconcievable. Zusammen, Sicher und zusammen, that is what matters. But fur how long can zat last. On a side note, Luna und Bogbean have begun to explain why they und everyone in ze group needed privacy from time to time. Sie needs und functions of sie menschen never cease to puzzle me, but I accept that for all of sie parts that we "share" it does not make us sie same. Fur as our discussions of sie past und aspects of our lives came out into ze open, I came to sie shocking realization. Bogbean had a Mutter or guardian like menchen in her life zat never returned after a hunt one day. Die Mutter could change sie shape of herself into a Wulfin. Was this sie same Wulfin that attacked Luka? Did I toten her........ Did I trade ze life of a Mutter for a Boy und carless Vater? Nien, Nien, Nien, Zusammen, Sicher und zusammen, that is what matters. How do I justify zis? Luka is an innocent child, but to lose a Mutter? I fear zat possibly sie only Freunde that I may have left, vould have every reason to hate me. I didn't know wut to say, other than to apologize. The moment was made no better than be the arrival of Tobias und V. V looked as if he was feeling uncomfortable, perhaps he was tired as it was the evening. With not much to do and Miguel softly singing sie music of sorrows, sie group rests while I continue to stare at sie flames vondering if it was all doomed to happen again.
Sie following tag was interesting to say the least. After an breakfast that I can only assume was excellent as I pocketed the buns for later und after Tobias rushed attempt to feed several visitors who came up to his cart of which he seemed to disappoint several, we decided that it would be interesting to compete in the festival's fighting arena. Teams were set with Tobias, Myself und Bogbean on one team with the Mysterious V, Luna and Drexla on sie other. I'm secretly ecstatic zat Bogbean is a fellow team mate as I couldn't bring myself to harm her, especially not after what had transpired the previous evening. It has been wunderbar zat the group has been willing to help me due to my lack of supplies. I don't know how but Drexla seems infinitely resourceful when it comes to tools and components. The very idea of how or where sie supplies are acquired or stored is beyond me. Maybe zat is why she wanted me to protect her? I've never asked for supplies before but I was thrilled when Bogbean was willing to help me with sie fabrication of new boots. The look on her face when she realize the boots were fur her was worth any price. Poor thing has been walking around with mismatch shoes for who knows how long, I hope carrying her on meine shoulder has helped her feet. But as the Sonne was setting we made our way to sie Arena.
Our Match was both brutal und redeeming, well at least for Tobias. Our opponents were Naz und his Wachen, I personally think zat the organizers had something to do with this. Everyone seems to hate him, maybe it's due to his prices? Tobias was able to support and take some hits without going down, a desirable improvement if winning is your intention. Bogbean, where do I begin instead of a tail it was massive toothy maw that was produced. Sie brutality of her strikes and beastial nature were too much for sie Loxodons and possible almost anything zat I have ever seen, oder sie Eiserne Brutalis prototype. As fur myself, I was able to surprise our opponents with my abilities und I was able to put Dr. Wallenstein's work to use, although I still not sure what zat is. The Loxodons clearly didn't appreciate mein prescience and stuck me down, und now Tobias und I have something in common. I was awoken to Tobias shaking me und looking as if he was scared of something, his fur was puffed up considerably. We had won! However something felt different, like something was missing.
Sadly due to mein condition I missed sie match with ze others, however based on the crowd it seemed like everyone struggled to watch? An odd thing to say fur an arena with quality seating. Our companions were victorious und zat is what matters. It was odd though, that only moments after Drexla left zat some oddly dressed individuals arrived und began asking questions, holding parchment with a crudely drawn "thing" on it. It vaguely reminds me of Drexla however I wasn't asked und I didn't get a good look. None of zat matters though, for as we arrived at camp at sie end of sie evening, I went to see if Miguel was still staying put. He's missing...... Nien, Nien, Nien, Zusammen, Sicher und zusammen, that is what matters.