18th of Sausol, 1272 by Drysi | World Anvil

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18th of Sausol, 1272

18th of Sausol, 1272

by Woods Walker Drysi Nychton

I went for a lovely walk this morning, quite peaceful to wander the streets of a new city. I did go back to the room before we met up with our companions at 10 am, just to make sure that Tesse was fine, even though I know that logically speaking she is more than capable of taking care of herself. We went back to the metalworkers to collect Tesse's new weapon, a Messer, before going to the Queen. Upon meeting the Queen, Levi handed her a rather immaculate looking ceremonial plate made from the Silver scale of a dragon that was encrusted with jewels. The queen then informed us of the job she wishes us to undertake.
The pyrates that attacked us on the way here have been more than enough trouble for the people of cleabar and have scared them into barely leaving their homes. She has not found a worthy person in her repertoire that she is willing to put at risk so she has enlisted our help to take down this dastardly group of bandits. We are to pose on a merchant convoy that will go to Chovozi, where we are to meet the captain of the guard who is a spy for the Queen. She had also sent a sorcerer to investigate- Ainar Disaris- who has not returned. Once we have spoken to the Guard captain, we are then to head to the pyrate hideout, then infiltrate and dispose of this group however we see fit. The ship leaves tomorrow at 5 pm, so we do not have long to prepare. In return for us performing this act, she has offered us different rewards. For myself I chose 20 platinum pieces that I can split between Tesse and myself, to give us ample means to survive, as well as two other things I shall not mention in case she dare find my journal. I do not wish for her to know what I have asked for.
We then went to the university to ask about the third job we had picked up from the notice board, ruin delvers, and asked about information for that.

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  1. 16th of Sausol, 1272
    16th of Sausol, 1272
  2. 17th of Sausol, 1272
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  3. 18th of Sausol, 1272
    18th of Sausol, 1272
  4. 19th of Sausol, 1272
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  6. 25th of Sausol
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  7. 26th of Sausol
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