The first week of travel by Drysi | World Anvil

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25th of Sausol, 1272

The first week of travel

by Woods Walker Drysi Nychton

Barely anything has happened this week, but I did have a wonderful discussion with Pelat and Byrod about how they found each other. They met when Pelat had an unfortunate accident causing his back to break, leaving him in a wheelchair, but Byrod saved him and they have fallen in love. It's quite endearing, I admit, makes me wonder if I will ever find something like that. I'm already in the middle of my lifetime, most of the clan members would be married by this age, bearing children for the next generation. I asked them what love was like, and Pelat was kind enough to tell me this:
Love is sometimes natural, or it can be a choice. It's enjoying someone's company without feeling drained or pushing through the bull-excrement that a connection with them may cause and finding it is worth it. It's a wonderful thing.
I am happy for them. I wish I can have that someday.
We also got stopped just outside of Gygraw, and having to hide Tesse quickly was quite stressful, but she was fine. I'm glad, seen as they went into our carriage.
Other than that, nothing else happened this week.

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  1. 16th of Sausol, 1272
    16th of Sausol, 1272
  2. 17th of Sausol, 1272
    17th of Sausol, 1272
  3. 18th of Sausol, 1272
    18th of Sausol, 1272
  4. 19th of Sausol, 1272
    19th of Sausol, 1272
  5. The first week of travel
    25th of Sausol, 1272
  6. 25th of Sausol
    25th of Sausol, 1272
  7. 26th of Sausol
    26th of Sausol, 1272