25th of Sausol by Drysi | World Anvil

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25th of Sausol, 1272

25th of Sausol

by Woods Walker Drysi Nychton

After we arrived in Gygraw, we were approached by two guards who claimed to have a job from Count Peranza. They gave us a job of 'disposing' of two woods walkers who had passed through, Rethlyt and Dlowyd- who happened to be the younger brother of my former woods walker companion. We turned down the job, but as we were discussing it an elf - Vaemocalwyr - who gave us another set of events - that Rethlyt was actually killed, as was the count, but resurrected and now Dlowyd was in a stage of vengeance grief. Once hearing the second point of view, we proceeded to take the 'job' and investigated the hag abandoned shack. It wasn't a nice sight, but Francis found a hidden brick in the chimney and opened a door to a demiplane, which contained the hags possessions and where Tesse's dark secret was revealed. I feel sorry for her, but I'm glad that the rest of our companions have not turned on her and seem to view her the same as before. She got extremely shook by an illusion she saw in the hags cauldron, I barely caught her before she hit the floor. Regardless, we found what we needed and decided to split the party to diplomatically solve the issue between the count and Dlowyd. Tesse and Francis went to see the Count while myself, MorningStar and Levi went to see the woods walker. It was weird seeing him again, I last saw him when he was much younger and it's easy to see the similarities between him and his brother. Not a day goes by where I miss Viobran, but I also can't say that I completely regret my decision, but I asked Dlowyd if he had lost anyone else and he only mentioned his grandparents, not Viobran. I remember how devastated he was when it happened. But V might still be alive, is that possible? Could he be? If he is, I don't quite know how to feel. But she was so helpless, she deserved a chance, I just wish that we both saw it the same way. I had disguised myself as Francis so that Dlowyd didn't recognise me. We managed to eventually settle on an agreement and the count and Dlowyd met in our carriage at midnight. They came to a peaceful arrangement and we were told to meet the Count the next day for payment. Today has rocked me full of emotion, I just hope the next few days of travelling allow me to calm down.

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  5. The first week of travel
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  6. 25th of Sausol
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  7. 26th of Sausol
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