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12th of Marpal, 1444

Journal 1.0.1

by Vodahmin Kya'dahren

Action at last! Though my mission presses on my mind, I am glad for the reprieve from travelling alone. My thoughts have consumed me for many moons and now they trouble me no longer. As I came in to Selthal, the town was beset by bandits whom we now pursue. I am accompanied by a fine set of folks, including the one who seems to be able to follow the bandit's exact trail. It seems as if tomorrow will hold more peril and I pray for the defender to be with us.

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  1. Journal 0.0.1
    13th of Sumam, 1437
  2. Journal 0.0.2
    22nd of Sumam, 1437
  3. Journal 0.0.3
    34th of Sumam, 1437
  4. Journal 0.1.1
    1st of Velthal, 1438
  5. Journal 1.0.1
    12th of Marpal, 1444