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34th of Sumam, 1437

Journal 0.0.3

by Vodahmin Kya'dahren

The desert is behind me. But trouble's shadow makes itself ever present in my wanderings. Even as I was shaking the sand out of my boots, the Zephtal still in the background, I saw the plume of dust that can only be caused by a large group of some sort. To make matters worse, they were headed my way. Not knowing their motives and not trusting that I wouldn't warrant extra attention, I quickly fled to a outcropping of rocks in the distance. It is fair to say my travellings have been beneficial to my health, as I couldn't have made that sprint even a month ago. Slightly out of breath, I peeked around the side of a rock to see a group of kobolds escorting several orcs bound in chains. Were they prisoners? My mind flirted with the idea of setting them free, whatever the method may be, and I almost rose to my feet. Suddenly, I heard a part of me say "Wait". Not in a loud voice or a soft voice, but a sure voice. Perhaps a part of my mind I do not have control over. Whatever it was, I did nothing, and soon they passed by.

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  1. Journal 0.0.1
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  3. Journal 0.0.3
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