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13th of Sumam, 1437

Journal 0.0.1

by Vodahmin Kya'dahren

I am alone. Ceren is gone and I know not where. Meanwhile, we are much to far from home for me to return, even if I had the desire. Not only what Mother and Father tried to do, but the fact that both Rashtak and Nerendi went along with it. Can't they see that greatness does not lead to dominance? For all the god-like attributes of the dragon, even I can see that pride is their greatest weakness. Practically every time something bad happens to them it's because of something they didn't even consider a threat until it walked through their front door.
It doesn't matter now. What matters is finding a safe place to live from now on. Already it is Sumam and the day of the Blood Moon fast approaches, much more real now that I am alone. Tomorrow I'll continue west. From what Ceren was saying, I should be to the Zephtal before long.

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  1. Journal 0.0.1
    13th of Sumam, 1437
  2. Journal 0.0.2
    22nd of Sumam, 1437
  3. Journal 0.0.3
    34th of Sumam, 1437
  4. Journal 0.1.1
    1st of Velthal, 1438
  5. Journal 1.0.1
    12th of Marpal, 1444