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Fri 29th Mar 2024 01:00

What It Means to be a Legacy.

by Legacy

Cato was a wizard who had fully wrapped time around his finger. He traveled through time in order to ensure the survival of his bloodline. He had the power to shunt himself into the future, passing entire ages by. He might as well have been untouchable. These are stories. They might as well be myths. Whether it be from his mouth, Muffins, or Lucius. That man is an entirely different creature to what raised me. His body was frail, His mind was weak, He was unloving and cruel. I was not born to be a child. I was not born to be cared for and raised. He made me to be a tool, I was his Legacy. My life revolved around the arcane. I never *wanted* to study it. That was all I knew. I woke up, I studied, I ate, I slept. I had to earn my namesake, or die trying. For a time I escaped my burden, upon arrival in Hollowoak, I was a nobody. I was not a tool, I was a stranger who got to meet other strangers. I still wonder if they felt the same as I did. Never have I been so relieved, and even the townsfolk didn't see me as a mage. I was Legacy to them, Legacy the stranger, Legacy the friend, Legacy the number one patron, Legacy the Warden, you name it. That was a nice feeling while it lasted.
Its been four weeks, and in four weeks I have lost every single merit I thought that I earned. Anastasia leaves Vaygrade behind to chase his sister, and Cicero follows, leaving me alone. I am the only one who is bothering to take my promise to Lord Vaygrade seriously. Lucius is on his way to me, there is a wizardous anomaly near Eastrin, my family and everything I have known is in the air and I am the only one who is capable of sticking to my word. I admitted my faults to the lord, and it got me nothing but scorn. I recognized my mistakes, admitted to them openly to him in confidence. He had the option of having the most loyal companion by his side, and instead he scorns me and rips me of my humanity without even a moments hesitation. He ordered me to the vanguard before I even got the chance to volunteer and had the nerve to assume I wouldn't make it back, and when I do? when only a handful of his people survived the massacre that HE ORDERED. He pouts like a child, walking through the streets barking orders and acting like he has the right to frustration.
I have made my decision, in full faith, I have decided that humanity was never meant for me. My father recognized it from the start, I am his enduring Legacy and I am nothing more than a tool to the man that I serve. Vaygrade, Gregor, even fucking Fred, have graciously reminded me of such. No longer will I stick my neck out. No longer will a favor be received in earnest faith. If Lord Vaygrade would rather die than see me as human, then I will watch as Yeenoghu bares his teeth around Hollowoak. We're all dead men anyways.
The lasting legacy of my father is being killed by the one closest to him, perhaps it's time I followed suit.

Continue reading...

  1. What am I?
  2. What It Means to be a Legacy.
  3. I am starving
  4. Hunger
  5. Almacia