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Tue 27th Apr 2021 04:58

Pilot Smilot

by Shamus loaded

Well, that’s great! Finally, for the first time, I can try on my e…x…o.. suit! Guess what?! Too fuckin small! When I bought it three years ago, it was a perfect fit with even some room to spare. I warned her. Didn’t I warn her? “MOM”! Not on high temperature, MOM! I looked through the window and put out my tongue at the dark red smear on the left wing. “Bitch…”.
The other two, Kafir and Armani, were calling me. They were already outside. I was smart enough to let them first got outside. Never can be too carefull.
Walking was a bit hard as everything was pulling up between my legs. But I managed to step out of the spaceship.
My hand touched something wet, thick, suggy…Hmmm eatable? I moved my hand closely to my mouth. Charlie, my tongue, was on autopilot. My lips were having dirty thoughts. Then my eyes crossed theirs. The look at their face… I shook my hands. Slime was flying all over the place. Dissapointed, I walked over to them. “I’ll get a chance later”, I thought.
Gratefully, I was following them, Kaf and Armi. I had no plan to be a hero and I hate the dark. My hands were holding on to Armi’s coat.
Then we went into a room. Armi pushed me into a corner. I was about to plant my size 48 into his face, when it became clear to me that he wanted me to break into a terminal. Like a walk in the park! 10 seconds later I smiled at them, while pointing at the screen: a map and further details.
We walked further when I saw something familiar: a baby seal. But there was something wrong… Ah, yes! No blood. It made me jealous for a few seconds. What a craftsmanship. This took me back to, well, last week. We played soccer with them. And believe me, you have to kick them very hard before they move. “Oehhhh…. Can I kick it? “No!”, said Kafi.
They tried to move it and those amateurs tore off the head. Hmmm, that never happened to one of the seals. Yeah, sometimes you would hit them too hard and brains would be running out, but the head would still be there. Obviously, that was no seal.
My nosehear was tingling. “Someone is watching us!” I shouted. We were walking quickly now. I wanted to get out of this place. Splintering and cracking noises were coming from my boots, I felt the ground to become uneven. What are these branches doing here? “Oh, sh…”. I want out, I want out, I want out! But wherever I was running, the cracking kept following me. Things were pushing against my knees, when I suddenly heard a voice. Something shiny was sparkling from that direction and I needed to know what it was.
We found someone in an air shaft. The other two were making gagging sounds and tried to keep their noses tightly closed. I looked around me, couldn’t see anything decomposing. All I was smelling was a nice, relaxing, musky perfume. The person was saying something, but I didn’t care. My hands were around his, or better, around whatever was sparking inside his palms. “Precious…Can I have it?”. Anxious, I was looking at his face. Slowly, I removed it from his hands. “Sparkling…”.
K and M were pushing me forward, but my thoughts were with whatever I was holding in my hands. Armi hit my shoulder and pointed at some terminal. “An elevator?” How did we get here? I touched some buttons, but nothing happened. My left fist was holding the talisman. I was not going to let go.
Suddenly I felt heavy. We were moving. Upwards.. Jihad was looking at me. I looked down at him. “ Hmm… bare feet”. I moved my toes, mine were still there. Nice and warm.
Doors opened and I felt a warm breeze. Warmth turned into a blazing hot draft. Pores were breaking open as I felt sweat running down my back. “Damnit, sweat in my bottom cheeks”.
Kafi and Armi started to run, I followed them blindly. My boots were getting wet, I felt sweat sticking between my toes. Didn’t think anymore, I ran while my head was pointing downwards. “Are we going up?”. My heart was racing, wasn’t built for this. Then suddenly speed, my feet were in front of me. I had fallen on my bottom. Cheek sweat got pushed into my neck. While my body was sliding downwards, I tried to push my boots into the ground. My eyes opened wide as it became clear to me that the dark colour in front of md was warning me for the abyss awaiting my death. “ Mommmmmmyyyyy!”.
I managed to put my heels into the ground. Gravity did the rest. One more meter and I would have fallen into darkness. While my arms and feet where flying around, I felt my body spinning around a few times. Then I hit the ground, first my head and then the rest of my body. A few seconds later, something shiny fell in front of me. “PRECIOUS!”. I grabbed the talisman. Held it to my heart and looked around. At the other side of the ravine were four people looking back at me. I closed my eyes and sighed.
Armi was shouting at me. I looked up, all three were looking at me.