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Thu 7th Apr 2022 06:02

Wait! Wha!? Huh? Nooo.. Ehhh.....ehm

by Shamus loaded

We arrive at the prison, near building 8: vehicles.
Niay tells us that she will go to building 7, the apotheker.
Someone greets Niay, it's warden Voller. He informs her about an accident, involving Paul Hindin. An Elevator fell on him.
She asks us to follow her and tells us that Paul is an expert with the prison's AI.
When in building 7, we see another person in the room: Amadi Maalouf. He tells us that a computer malfunction caused the accident.
He informs us that the AI is one floor down. When we say that we can check the AI, he tells us that he has to confirm that with Warden Grice.
Niay informs Grice that Paul has died. When we aks for permission to check the AI, he agrees but two guards will accompany us.
While we go down to floor -1, Amadi has to leave us and we follow Niya to the computer room.
As soon as we enter the room, my bowls move as I recognize the person in the room. Niya says she's sorry but she wanted to see her brother again.. the bitch.
Before we now it, Niya has turned into meat for skewers. Fruit Ninja comes in mind. My stomach turns and a soft whistling air escapes my lower body parts.
Niya is all over the place and, before we know it, an elevator takes us down to -3...the cells. Luckily, we have separate cells.
We start shouting for Armand, hoping to hear back from him. But only some guy is shouting back at us. His name is Billy. When we ask him about Armand, he tells us that he knows him, but Armand went missing.
Well, one thing left to do now... we sleep