I'm not a fan of this. Not in the slightest. We're lying to the city to make ourselves look good. I'm not going to let this be what defines me. Sparkos McDavey the famed sailor who failed to kill and assassin. Doesn't really have a ring to it. Taking money from folks who have hope because of a lie. It's useless. It's inefficient. These people are letting their guard down because of us. Then on top of that we know that Martin is a devil and we're not planning to act on that either.
Well... They're not planning to.
If they won't. I will.
I won't allow a lie to define me. I know I'm not able to find the assassin on my own, but Martin is something I can at least try and deal with. For Moldal and Pellanffyn's sake.
This is either my last entry... or it's the first one that actually matters.