A gang known as the Redbrands has controlled Phandalin for the past two months, extorting and bullying everyone in town. The gang is led by a mysterious figure known to the townsfolk as Glasstaff. Opal, Gobnak and Vogen investigate the gang as they try and find information to help them save Gundren from Cragmaw Castle. A few more problems arise in the town which Opal, Gobnak and Vogen decide on assisting with too:
1. The Redbrand Invasion
A gang called the Redbrand has been terrorizing the town for the last two months. Their hold on the area has allowed more bandits to move in and take advantage of the chaos, causing a great amount of distress on the townspeople of this small hamlet.
2. Shattering Glasstaff's Hold
The Redbrand are being run by a mysterious master called Glasstaff. Nobody knows who or where he is.
3. The Case of the Missing Wizard Iarno Albrek
Sildar learns that his longtime friend and former member of the Lords' Alliance, Iarno Albrek, is missing. He was last seen exploring the area around Tresendar Manor about two months ago, shortly after arriving in Phandalin.
4. Old Owl Well
Daran has heard reports of several prospectors being chased from the area by undead creatures.
5. Reidoth the Druid
Qelline is a longtime friend of a druid named Reidoth. Reidoth recently set out for the ruins of a town called Thundertree, just west of the Neverwinter Wood. He can assist the party in finding out about the recent incursions on the land.