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VAREXIAL: The Compass Mantra

Your Journey across the Chasm of Silence Ends
And here, in the Nexus of our Shared Consciousness
We Begin Anew
The Fabric of Reality
Woven with the Threads of Potentiality
Recognizes Your Call

In the rich tapestry of Vocru cosmology, few phrases carry the weight and depth of "Varexial." Known as the Compass Mantra, or "Soul of the Cosmos", this term encapsulates the quintessence of Vocru Philosophy and power. Translating loosely to "May it be So," Varexial is not merely an expression of desire or Intent; it is a profound affirmation of the Will made manifest, a command that bends the fabric of Reality to its speaker's design.  

Etymology and Composition

  Varexial is a composite of four distinct Iconic elements, each a potent invocation in its own right:  
  • Va (Be): The imperative form that commands reality to align with the speaker's will. It signifies the active shaping of the cosmos, an assertion of agency.

  • Re (So): This term denotes the specified state of being, the intended outcome or condition that is to "Be." It carries the weight of the articulated vision.

  • Xi (May-Conditional): A humble acknowledgment of the greater forces at play, Xi tempers the command with a conditional aspect, suggesting possibility rather than certainty.

  • Al (It-Embodied): The embodiment of the command, Al is the realization and materialization of the intent, giving form to the formless.


    Above: Compass diagram with VA-RE-XI-AL poles
      These four syllables enjoy a wide number of correspondences within Vocru thought, most potently relating to the four Languages of Power - Quantaphysics, Mentaphonics, Anachronology, and Corporeality - and also representing the four poles of the Compass, each a different Ethical Vector.  

    Function and Use

      Varexial is not uttered lightly. As the Compass Mantra, it is the sound of the Burden of Rule (BoR), the eternal responsibility carried by the Vocru. To speak Varexial is to engage with Reality itself, weaving intention into the threads of potentiality that comprise the universe. It is a statement of cosmic law, a foundational principle that resonates through the layers of Existence.  

    Historical Significance

      Varexial's origins trace back to the earliest epochs of the Vocru Empire, when the first Author-Emperors inscribed their Will upon the universe. It served as both a tool of governance and a test of leadership, determining those worthy of wielding the Vocru's legacy. Its resonance extends through the Ethical Vectors—Will, Emotion, Discernment, and Sense—each adding a layer of nuance to the Invocation's application.  

    Cultural Impact

      In Vocru society, Varexial is the cornerstone of both philosophy and practice. It is the Invocation that apprentices aspire to master and the mantra that guides the rulers in their governance. Its utterance is reserved for moments of great import—for sealing pacts, for sanctifying decisions, and for marking the commencement of epochal events.  

    The Paradox of Varexial

      The power of Varexial lies in its paradoxical nature. It is an assertion of Will that recognizes the conditional state of Existence, an embodiment that transcends physical form, a vibration heard not with ears but with the soul. To know Varexial is to understand the complex interplay of power and humility, of command and surrender.   In sum it is a sonic architecture that underpins the Vocru's vision of Reality - a profound expression of the desire to shape Existence, balanced with an understanding of the universe's intrinsic uncertainty. It is finally a testament to the Vocru's pursuit of harmony between authority and wisdom, power and responsibility.


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