Kidd: M.S /\ Killer|Wire|Heat: H.S

Life, Education


  • Killer does not pass enough classes and will need to take summer school if he wants to graduate on time (he will not take the classes)
  • Wire & Heat will both drop out during winter break
    Killer & Kidd ride the middle/high school combo bus into town. It picks up at the K-6 South Blue Elementary, Public Library & Community Center at 06:00. Even though he only has a learner's permit, he picks up Kidd at 05:45 and drives Victoria's Punk to the bus Pickup and leaves her parked by the library.
Wire & Heat start driving and alternate who drives each other to school.
  Killer will hang out with Wire & Heat after school (sometimes even the three ditching early) and Kidd will take the bus back to the drop off. Killer will pick him up there and take them home. Killer's father is unaware he's driving at all. Kidd's mother is aware he is driving to the bus stop and back, and is not happy he's not licensed or insured, but feels bad asking Kuma to pick Kidd up when he's the last student out in their stretch of the road. She also trusts Killer to drive responsibly when her son is with him.

Victoria 18 Wire 17 Heat 16 Killer 15 Kidd 11
- Senior Junior Sophomore 6th Grade

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