Eustass Kidd

Kidd "Captain" Eustass

youngest of the delinquents in Reposed Rebellions

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kidd has freckles heaviest across his forehead, and shoulders, also has them across bridge of nose and cheekbones, tips of ears, and on the top of his knuckles. His hair is red, shoulder length at the back, roughly ear length at the top - worn with headband and slicked back or spiked unless working, and he has orange, expressive yes. He is average in height for his age, and slightly above average in weight with a larger muscle mass than his peers.

Intelligence & Identity

Sexuality & Relationships

Would consider himself bisexual, but is fairly inexperienced and shows little interest in dating or otherwise. In modern vernacular is most likely demi-sexual. He definitely had a crush on Victoria growing up but was too young to understand that's what he was feeling. He also has a crush on Killer, but wont act on it because he doesn't want to mess up their friendship, and he also knows that Killer is some kind of relationship with Heat & Wire.  


87 APR Killer Kamazo becomes Killer, and Kidd can't stop thinking about him & wants to hang out all the time 
89 FEB Victoria Kidd can't stop thinking about Victoria & wants to hang out with her all the time
93 MAY Wire, Heat & Killer Killer starts to get closer to Heat & Wire and Kidd doesn't understand why it frustrates him so much
98 APR Killer After picking a drunk Killer up and taking him home to sleep it off, Kidd realizes he like-likes Killer,  and that he's been jealous of Heat & Wire. Kidd confronts Killer a few days later, and they tentatively start dating.
99 Jan 10 Killer Kidd's gonna make them officalFor 22 days, they are only 3 years apart.[/history 19 year old Kidd has been waiting for Killer to take the next step in their partnership, but if he wont, Kidd's going to use these next 3 weeks to press the matter]


Kidd is very good at hands-on work, and problem solving, embrassing the work smart, not harder mindset, but is still quite okay with getting his hands dirty.   Like most kids in the back county, Kidd started picking up odd jobs in the area at a young age, working for Big Mam by the time he was 11, even of it was just painted fenches or washing windows on her ranch house. He worked along side Killer with her cattle herds from the age of 13, and by 15 was also picking up odd jobs for Kaido the Beast and Whitebeard with the other boys.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The delinquents make up the dream team of bailing in the county. Kidd is also extremely skilled for an amateur mechanic and is many resident's go-to for equipment fixes.


Contacts & Relations

Standings with the Barons

Big Mam 11 Kidd started to tag along with Killer when he was given jobs by Big Mam. She liked him, but did not care much for his choice of friends, and would hire him solo to do work around her ranch house and would send Killer out to work with the cattle or around the county. By the time Kidd was 13, he made a point to stay with Killer when on her property, not liking the way the two of them were treated so differently.
Kaido 16 Kidd never worked directly for Kaido, but he does work for Kaido's people over the course of a few summers, helping Wire, Heat & Killer with the hay season, as well as fixing some of his tractors and other larger machinery.
Whitebeard 15 Kidd was worked with Heat & Wire on some of Whitebeard's fields during the start of Hay season, at least until his accident. The next year he, Wire & Killer helped with the herds during calving season. He has been called out on occasion to help fix fences from time to time, where they border Big Mam's territory, as well as occasionally fixing pumps or other small machinery.
Shanks N/A After his father died, and he and his mother moved back to her hometown; her family's estate had all been sold to Akagami years before. Out of pity, the Baron rents them out a small house, discounting it heavily if Mrs Eustass does menial labor about the property - calling her the Caretaker. During this time, ugly rumors start to circulate that Kidd was Shank's illegitimate son, and they continue through out the years. Kidd feels Akagami doesn't do enough to dispel them and the anger only gets worse as he gets older. He deeply hates the man, and the feeling is worse because Akagami does reach out to his mom to help after his accident, along with hiring each of his friends over the years, and is probably the better of bosses any of them ever had.

Family Ties

Father William Busket died in a undiscloved work incident when he was still a child.   John Butchard married Brichtrede Eustass when he was two and is the only father Kidd remember's having


Bujin Kamazo

best friend - turned boy friend (Vital)

Towards Eustass Kidd



Eustass Kidd

best friend - turned boy friend (Vital)

Towards Bujin Kamazo




Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
January 10
Year of Birth
80 19 Years old
larger city - not originally local
Parents (Adopting)

Character Portrait image: Kidd Eustass by