Growing up in the remote rural counties of the American West can feel like being part of an incredible tight-fit community, or trapped under soul-crushing isolation. Just a little bit different than the other kids his age, a young Eustass Kidd falls in with the slightly older group of fellow misfits as they navigate the woes of teenagedom and the precarious balance of walking a tight-rope of being themselves and not being ostracized by the community at large.
Already other-ed by his looks, his age, and his interests, Kidd is set further apart when an accident leaves him without a father and without a left arm, just on the cusp of achieving his first milestone of person-hood - the driver's license.
In a world where the rest of life happens miles away, Kidd fears being left behind even more. But the group of delinquents he's been tottling after for the last decade won't let that happen. And since following the rules as never been part of their repertoire, they find new ways to make sure Kidd never misses out on those teenage moments.
Killer - both his closest neighbor and closest friend - steps up to be his personal chauffeur, at least on the outside. He's really riding shotgun in his own truck, as they two of them find a way to get Kidd back behind the wheel and taking the helm of his own life back into his remaining hand.
But will Kidd realize just how much his new partner gives up so he can have this little piece of normal for himself, or will Killer's own insecurities leave him under the water as he hold's Kidd's head high?
The A Side is Kidd's story, from age 14-19 as he deals with growing up isolated, trying to be the first of his friends to finish high school, and with the aftermath of a horrific accident that threatens to trap him in those mountains forever.
The A Side is thematically about driving, finding a way to feel free

  The B Side will be Killer's story from age 15-22 as he deals with being left behind by his friends, trying to be more than his family, and with the fact that growing up rural and queer is minefield of its own.
The B Side is thematically about rest, finding a place to feel safe


  • from the intransitive verb Repose
    • to rest in death or a grave
    • to lie quiet and calm
    • to lie, rest, or be supported
    • to have trust (in rely (on or upon)


  • from the noun Rebellion
    • resistance or opposition to a government or other authority
    • dissent from an accepted moral code or convention of behaviour, dress, etc

    Sometimes, teenage rebellion is in your face, loud and disruptive. But sometimes, it's small quiet things that don't get noticed; the deviation from traditions in tiny little steps - one at a time.
    Reposed has a dual meaning in this world as well.
    • You can sit back and let it happen, go with the flow until it drowns you.
    • You can sit back and let someone help you, to go secured in the knowledge that no matter what, that person will pull you out of the water before you're washed away.

    World Codex



    Reposed Rebellions