Bujin Kamazo

Kamazo "Killer" Bujin

Second youngest of the Delinquents

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Killer has pale skin and thick wild blond hair, with soft expressive blue eyes. He is shorter than average in height for his age, and below average in weight with a leaner build than his peers.

Intelligence & Identity

Sexuality & Relationships

Killer is very gay. Maybe a little bi, he's not sure; does he like girls, or does he just like hanging out with girls? Did he love Victoria because he was attracted to her or because she was his very best friend for nearly a decade before he asked her out? Did he like the girls he hung out with in high school, or was he hormonal and that was just what was expected from him? He's not entirely sure.
But he is sure that he really likes boys. Something that he's been terrified on acting on until a night of getting high with Heat and Wire turns into a make out session and it's the best day of his life until that point. He becomes a bit of a player after, having several one time hook ups with different boys over the next few years, with a small handful of boys he likes enough to be used as a booty call, though he doesn't consider them anything more. Heat & Wire eventually get him to calm it down a little bit, and he regularly hooks up with the duo as they all like each other, and he knows that Heat and Wire are safe and wont out him or talk him into situations he isn't actually comfortable with but otherwise had a hard time saying no to.
He has a bit of a crush on Kidd, but that's both his best friend, and someone younger than him working though things, and Killer wont make a move because he he thinks Kidd deserves someone better.
Killer toes the line on dressing and behaving more unconventionally masculine, but is still firmly in the closest, living in fear of both the area's general casual homophobia, and his father's more blatant in-your-face hatred.


90 AUG Victoria Killer admits to Victoria he has a crush on her on her birthday. She turns him down, but they remain some thing between very best friends and siblings. 
93 MAY Wire & Heat Killer kisses his first boy, Wire, before kissing his second boy, Heat 
94 NOV Papas the two hook up in the locker rooms during some of Heat & Wire's hockey games 
95 JUN Yamato the two hook up during the summer  when Killer comes to work for Kaido They have fun, but Yamato's heart isn't into it, and they stop messing around with each other early in the summer.
95 JUL X Drake the two hook up during the summer  when Killer comes to work for Kaido. After Kidd's accident, Killer starts blaming himself and self-destructing. Drake calls it off when he realizing that instead of just a fun fling, Killer is using him to punish himself.
95 JUL Basil Hawkins the two hook up during the summer  when Killer comes to work for for Kaido. Killer is beating himself up over Kidd's accident and self-destructing. Basil encourages it
95 AUG Orochi
Killer & Basil get caught, and Orochi coerces Killer by promising him that Orochi wont let Kaido know if Killer submits to him for the rest of the summer season.  Killer agrees but refuses to work for Kaido again after the season ends.
{this is one of the reasons he takes up employment with Akagami the next summer}
96 JUN Wire & Heat Killer, Wire & Heat's relationship turns sexual  It will continue until they move away in early 98
97 OCT ??? Killer meets up with Kidd after work wearing the letter jacket  of an unknown boy he's hooking up with at work. Kidd doesn't talk to him the whole way home and Killer feels guilty and starts to sleep around with random boys less.
98 APR Kidd After picking a drunk Killer up and taking him home to sleep it off, Kidd realizes he like-likes Killer,  and confronts him a few days later. They tentatively start dating.
99 Jan 10 Kidd For 22 days, they are only 3 years apart. 19 year old Kidd has been waiting for Killer to take the next step in their partnership, but if he wont, Kidd's going to use these next 3 weeks to press the matter 

Gender Identity & Presentation

Killer is male/genderqueer - a term learned from Victoria. He doesn't see himself as anything but a man, but struggles with the more masculine behavior expected from him, especially from his father and the more traditional men from his area. Instead of the in-your-face aggression that he sees from his father, Killer's rage is cold and still. And the flip of it, where affection is held back from him, Killer is quick to comfort someone when he sees them in distress. He also doesn't not understand the idea that outer appearance should be gender coded. He likes nail polish and makeup. He likes soft cloths and bright colours. He doesn't understand why adults insist he cut his hair, and keeping it long is his first act of rebellion, something that he and his father have come to blows over.


Killer is very good at hands-on work, and also surprisingly good with animals. He's very patient and will stay at something as long as needed until it's done correctly.
Like most kids in the back county, Killer started working for his father by the time he could walk, and has been doing work for around the county for most of his life. His father had him working solo for Big Mam by the time he was 10, even of it was just painting fences or washing windows on her ranch house. He worked along side her cattle herds from the age of 13 and up.
Killer also started doing odd jobs for Kaido the Beast and Whitebeard with the other boys by 15.
After he dropped out of school, he worked for a lumber yard for several years not far from his old school, and in his 20's he started to work for Akagami Shanks under the table, much to Kidd's displeasure.
He also was on the county's go-to team for hay-bailing with Wire & Heat and brush/irrigation clearing with Kidd during the summers.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The delinquents make up the dream team of bailing in the county. Killer is a very skilled driver, and his ability to remain calm under extreame pressure means he is also good with panicing animals and livestock - leading some to jokingly call him the horse whisperer after the popular book of '95

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite outside factors, Killer only blames himself for his poor academic performance. He was already embarrassed at his slipping grades, especially after everything Mrs Eustass went though to get him re-enrolled after he failed to graduate the first time. After he dropped out again, he avoided her for months, literally not seeing her again until the day of Kidd's accident.

Morality & Philosophy

Some part of him realizes how badly he's fucked up when it comes to his education and some of his life choices, and he tries real hard to be a better example to Kidd.
After Kidd's accident - between loosing his arm and his step-dad's death - Killer started to help Kidd's mom with the mounting bills, empting his savings and leaving him broke for years. This generiosity also was seen when Victoria wasnted to get away, and Killer emptied his savings to help her leave. He did it without expecting anything in return, and never expected her to give him the Punk before she went.
Killer will carve himself empty to give everything to the people he cares about.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Killer does not think highly of himself, and readily accepts people's low options of him as fact - especially those of his father. His father does not think of him as intelligent, and it discourages him to the point where he doesn't try very hard to stay on top of his school work. Combined with the fact he thinks the world of Heat, Wire, & Victoria, he often followed them in ditching classes and underage drinking.
After Wire & Heat drop out ('92), Killer doesn't have any friends at HighSchool anymore, and tries to hard to get the other boys to like him, often meeting up with them for parties and getting high, stoned or drunk with them. He starts to sleep around and has quite a few nights that he can't remember what happened.
Wire & Heat eventually get him to ease off on the drug use, but the drinking continues, and the reckless behavior is back in force after the duo move away.


Contacts & Relations

Standings with the Barons

Big Mam 10 Killer has worked for Big Mam in some compacity as long as he could remember, often along sice his father, before being dropped off alone at her ranch house to work by the age of 10. He didn't have high opinions of the woman based on how mean she was to his best friend Victoria, and she didn't care much for him in turn, seeing him as the reason her daughter's engagement with his father fell apart. She does not pay him directly, instead his pay is given to his father, even after he turned 18.
Kaido 15 Killer had a neutral working relationship with Kaido; felt he was a distant and a bit cruel boss, but paid well enough - and paid Killer directly, so Killer continued to sign summer contracts with him, even if the contracts where unfair and if he did not hold up his end in its entirety, he would forfeit all of that summer's pay. He got along well enough with Kaido's son Yamato and the two had an easy going comradery over the years. However, at age 19, a confrontation with one of his Ranch Managers, Orochi, went so horribly that once Killer's contract was over, he would not sign on again with Kaido the next year. He would however help Wire & Heat during Hay season when they were hired to work fields in Kaido's territory
Whitebeard 15 Killer had a neutral working relationship with Whitebeard; felt he was a little overwhelming of a boss, and too involved in the lives of his subordinates. He paid the least amount, but Killer was paid directly, and biweekly, for whatever work he was able to complete with fewer penalties for tasks that could not be completed, so Killer continued to sign winter contracts with him.
Shanks 20 Despite Wire & Heat vouching for him, Killer avoided working for Shanks after horrible rumours about him being Kidd's father started to go around and because of how deeply upset those rumours made Kidd. However, he respected the man for risking the Big Mam's wrath by getting Victoria hired on at the Rocking B Dude Ranch. Shanks offered him some under the table cash jobs after word gets out about Kidd's driving situation and tells Killer he can relate to the struggle. He pays fair, and pays upfront, and also pays extra 'bonuses' when Killer does jobs well.

Family Ties

mother first noticed missing by community on 77 DEC 31 when the family did not come to the community New Years Party


Bujin Kamazo

unoffical adopted child (Important)

Towards Eustass Brichtrede


Eustass Brichtrede

unoffical adopted mom

Towards Bujin Kamazo




April 84 - Eustass' move into Butchard Homestead over the following summer, Brichtrede encourages a terribly shy 8 year old Kamazo to come visit. Kamazo will have little play dates throughout the summer with Kidd while she works from home.

Nicknames & Petnames

Brichtrede is admittedly a little uncomfortable calling him 'Killer' as she still just sees him as the sweet boy next door that was her son's first and best friend. She will follow the name up with a suffix to soften it - sweetie, hon, dear, baby. Kidd tried to make fun of Killer for it once, but Victoria pulled him aside and told him off for it, the other delinquents having realized that Killer growing up with just his dad meant he didn't get those kind of soft words from any adults and they could see how much Killer liked it [even if he pretends otherwise]. Brichtrede does make a point to refrain when around outside of their little group, to avoid Killer's further embarrassment or possible bullying.
  Killer refers to her as Ma'am like he does most woman, but there is a gentler way he says it, where is could almost sound like mom

Shiruton Doruyanaika

best friend (Vital)

Towards Bujin Kamazo



Bujin Kamazo

first (and last) girl crush (Vital)

Towards Shiruton Doruyanaika




Bujin Kamazo

best friend - turned boy friend (Vital)

Towards Eustass Kidd



Eustass Kidd

best friend - turned boy friend (Vital)

Towards Bujin Kamazo




Bujin Kamazo

dear friend - sometimes romatic partner (Vital)

Towards Bullen Charles III



Bullen Charles III

dear friend - sometimes romantic partner (Important)

Towards Bujin Kamazo




Bujin Kamazo

dear friend - sometimes romatic partner (Important)

Towards Newman Colin John



Newman Colin John

dear friend - sometimes romatic partner (Important)

Towards Bujin Kamazo




Naming References:

殺戮武人 Satsuriku Bujin - massacre soldier
人斬り鎌ぞう Hitokiri Kamazo

  武人 -Bujin - warrior
鎌 - sickle - Kama
人斬り - assassin
  Kamaitachi (鎌鼬) is a Japanese yōkai from the oral tradition of the Kōshin'etsu region. It can also refer to the strange events that this creature causes.
  They appear riding on dust devils and cut people using their sickle-like front claws, delivering sharp, painless wounds. The name is a combination of the words kama (sickle), and itachi (weasel).
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
Feb 2
Year of Birth
76 23 Years old
Current Residence

Character Portrait image: Kamazo Bujin by