Bujin Hitokiri

Hitokiri Bujin

Intelligence & Identity


The only known work that anyone seems him do if jobs from Big Mam - leading many to belive this is his only source of income - or at least legal income.   He also has his son working for Big Mam at a very young age and seems to be keeping the boy's income for himself.

Failures & Embarrassments

Hitokiri is only just a functional alcoholic with a short temper. He does not seem to be very invested in his son other than making sure the boy doesn't embarrass him and will follow orders - mostly working the jobs Hitokiri gets from Big Mam or other land owners in the county.


Family Ties

The mother of his son disappeared sometime during 77 - only noticed by the community as missing when the family did not make an appearance at the local New Years Party. Hitokiri says she abandoned him and their child.


Charlotte Linlin

almost mother-in-law (Trivial)

Towards Bujin Hitokiri


Bujin Hitokiri

almost son-in-law (Vital)

Towards Charlotte Linlin




In '74, Hitokiri was engaged to one of Big Mam's daughters, a young woman named Charlotte Hachée. However, before the wedding, he was caught with another woman, and the marriage was called off. He remained on awkward terms with Big Mam after that, and continued to try and get back into her good favour, less he become one of the shunned families that had crossed her, like the Shirutons. He quit his job and worked solely for her, and even had his son working for him as soon as he was old enough to be of use, hoping she would find the boy endearing and accepted Hitokiri back into her fold via his child.

Bujin Hitokiri

neighbor (Trivial)

Towards Eustass Brichtrede



Eustass Brichtrede

neighbor (Vital)

Towards Bujin Hitokiri




the closest neighbor either has - they live a few miles away on a dirty county road. Bujin thinks she's a noisy bitter hag who's coddling her son and raising a milksop, and she thinks he's an physically abusive alcoholic that enjoys emotionally torturing his son

Butchard John

neighbor (Trivial)

Towards Bujin Hitokiri



Bujin Hitokiri

neighbor (Trivial)

Towards Butchard John




John's mother had a hostile relationship with the nearest neighber, Bujin Hitokiri, blaming him for the disappearance of his wife a few years back. Hitokiri expects that same level of virtiol from John & Brichtrede from the start - the two have no idea about his family, or his relationship with John's mother, though John does remember him from when they grew up together, and does try to offer an olive branch to a former friend.

Naming References:

殺戮武人 Satsuriku Bujin - massacre soldier
人斬り鎌ぞう Hitokiri Kamazo

  武人 -Bujin - warrior
鎌 - sickle - Kama
人斬り - assassin
Current Location
Year of Birth
51 48 Years old
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations