Kidd|Killer: H.S

Life, Education


Killer's repeating Senior Year - starts skipping classes again in january and has dropped out by march
  Killer picks up Kidd at about 07:00 and drives Victoria's Punk to the High School. They get home about 15:00. Killer continues to drive Kidd to school even after he's stopped going to class.

Victoria 21 Wire 20 Heat 19 Killer 18 Kidd 14
- - - Senior* Freshman
      The A SIDE
He's 14, sitting in Killer's truck after school. The senior started driving them both to high school this year, in his ancient yellow Datsun 620 lil'Huster, and Kidd feels like the coolest freshmen on campus walking out of the senior's parking lot every morning.   First Term - Killer has Kidd drive the V.Punk for the first time
He's 15, sitting in Killer's truck, leaning over to angrily beat the horn with the palm of his left hand. They're less than two weeks into the second term, and he doesn't want to start the new year with late marks already. His mom's already cross with him over his other disciplinary notes from the first half of the school year.   Second Term - Killer starts to skip school but still drives Kidd to town. Killer starts working at a lumber yard in town while Kidd is in class.

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