Kidd: M.S /\ Killer: H.S

Life, Education


Half of Killer's classes are repeat Sophomore classes. He could catch up by taking summer school but does not.
Most of the time, Killer & Kidd ride the middle/high school combo bus into town. It picks up at the K-6 South Blue Elementary, Public Library & Community Center at 06:00. Kilker picks up Kidd at 05:45 and drives Victoria's Punk to the bus Pickup and leaves her parked by the library.
Killer and Kidd will take the bus back to the drop off. Killer's father is unwilling to help him pay for gas/insurance, so Killer won't drive any further with Kidd in the truck. Kidd's mother trusts Killer to drive responsibly when her son is with him.
However, as the school year progresses, Kidd end up riding the bus alone, Killer off hanging out with other HighSchoolers, often meeting up with them for parties and getting high, stoned or drunk with them

Victoria 19 Wire 18 Heat 17 Killer 16 Kidd 12
- - - Junior* 7th Grade

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