the B side - Broken Closets


Kidd makes him walk him to the door. His mother pulled them both inside, refusing to let Killer go back home or drive off alone.   Kidd's childhood bed is too small for the two of them, but they make due. the A side - Broken Closets   Right now - Kidd can't afford to live off student housing. No matter what way him and him mom try to figure things, it's just not something they can afford. Eventually though - Kidd makes his choice. He's not going to leave '98 - jun - Brichtrede √ in Reposed Rebellions

Cpt. Kidd

==========WIP============   It's after midnight, and it doesnt' matter how quiet the try to bee, they've barely got he front door open when the main light some on, and kidd's mother is staing there gawking at them.   killer slouches in on himself, not sure if he should be hiding behid kidd or stadning between him and his mother. "Oh, my boys.." she whispers, decideing for them, clsing the distance to pull them both into a hug, "what happne, arey ou okay? whats goign on?"   "WE're okay now mom," kidd whispers to her, and god does killer hope he's right. she pulls back, her hand over kills's shoulder never moving as he whipes at the blood smeared under kidd's nose. "okay. okay," she says, stuping her son for a moemnt longer. "go wash your face up, lets see what we can do."   killer doesn't want kidd to leave him right now, head still spinning from the nights events, and he's ready to grab kidd and bolt for his truck again. kisdd's mom seemes to undestnat it on some level, becuae sh'e sturned to kilelr fully now, making soft nosies to him, "oh baby. sweetheart. lets get you cleaned up."   she guides him to their little kitch table, kidd disappearing intot he bathroom. killer hears the sink run - the ancient pipes whining int eh walls. kidd's mom sits him atht eh tables end, and pulls the other charir up close so she can sit too, and her hands are on his face again.   it hurts, but her face is so kind, so differnt than the look his father gace him. she studies his face, and killer can't tloka t her, ashamed. she takes it in stride, hands slind though his hair to feel the back of his head. he flinches, and she whispere's an aplogy, before sitting back, one hand on his sounder, the other gently nudging his chin up until he can't help put look at her. "Killer, baby, i need you do soehting for me, okay?"   "yes ma'am" he whisperes.   she smiels,, but it seems sad. "I need to make sure you dont' have a concussion, okay. you've got a pretty bad goosegg and i need to knwo if you nee d adoctor."   :I'm okay." he tries to reassure her.   "look up at the light, plase?"   killer looks up at the kitchedn light. it's bright and it hurts. "Look at me?"   that's harder, but kilelr does. he heard kidd turn the water off behind him. his mom studied him, eyes boring into his. when its too much, she intructs him to look at the light again. "And back to me, one more time."   Kidd is quiet, he's got a boddoied town tucked under his stub and is carring out the familys first aid kit. his mom takes it from him and openes it on te table. killer slumps down. kidd sits int he last chair arocss from his mom, towel held agsint his nose where it's still slightly beleding.   she can't help but notcie how thin killer seems when sitting hxt to her sone, both boys bafoot and in nothing but their underweat. there are few reasons for them to come to her like this, and she's not doing to make them explain it tonight. she can make her own educated guesses.   the bruising is bad, but once she's washes the blood from kilelr's face, she can relax a little more. his lip is split, and he's goign to have a terrible black eye for a while. but the worse of the blood is form the blow to his forehead, and it's nothing so terrible it can't be covered iwth a bandaid for the night.   She wraps him up in own bathrobe, she want to hug him tight and tell him everything witll be okay now, but he's always seemed paniky when he's hugged him int he bpast, to the best she can do for now his wrap him up and keep him warm. he sits quietly as shee looks over he son's nose. "can you beath okay?"   "yeah, i mean, it hirts, but brething no a problem."   "do you think we need to get it checked out tonight?"   kidd shakes his head, the night catching up with him, "no mom... just.. tied. wanna go to bed."   she patts his head, looked between them both, "EIther of you diizy? light headed."   both indicate no, so she agrees to let it go for ht enight.   "Okay, lets get you boys to bed. killer, sweety, you wan me to make the couch up for you? or i can get an air mattress if you wanna sleep in kidd's room with him but it's gonna take a while to fill up"   "no - it's okay, i should go home-" killer starts, moving to shurgg off the bathroab.   "Kilelr and me 'll share my bed," kidd says, but there's a tensnes to it she'd nevr heard from him. like he's testing her.   Killer looks terrified.   She' s never seen him scared. She knew he and his fahter butted heads - killer being in and out of his own home straching back for over half a decade now. the county's worse kept secret. they all knew that Bujin Hitokiri regualr kicked his son out, the boy skutling aorund the back roads int he truck of his until he was eventually let come back home.   SHe'd nevr known him to be afraid of the man though.   she pulled the roabe back up over killer's shoulders. "you boys let me know if you need anything else"   KIdd left them, assumingly to turn down the bed and hide anything he didn't want kilelr to mack fun of him for, like some of his models, she guessed.   Kilelr still looekd worried, "You know, you really savef us back after the accident," she told him quietly, takeing his hands in her,s and hilding them looly in their laps. "No ma'am, i just..."   "All those bills that never got delivered - i was so busy worrying about kidd, adn i didn't even notice for months. I was terrified they where goign to turn the power off, that we;d run out of propane..."   she ran her thumb arcoss his knuckle. his hands where battered, but not from triyng to hit back. "iamgin my surpside when i cheched - and ebveythign was paid in full. And i certianly couldn't affor dit at the time, but there theyre where... paid.."   Kidd steps in, hovering int he archway to the hall. he has a strange little look on his face, but remains quiet. it's so unlike him, she thinks.   "All reayd?" she asks him, Killer lookign up confused for a moment, beifre kidd answers back, "yeah."   SHe stand up, pulling killer to his feet, before guidin him to her son, "You boys get some rest, okay?"   "yea mom" "yes ma'am"   she smiles, "I love you boys."   "Good night mom!" kidd called, embared, followed by kilelr's quiet, "goodnight."   once the bedroom door closed, she retreied one of the rifles from her bedroom, and steeled in ot watch the driveway.   she didn't know what state killer's dad was in when they left, but he he dared step foot on her property tonight to try any thing, Mr. Bujin was in for a biiiig surpsise.   She'd already lost two of the loves of her live. SHe wasn't letting anyone hurt her boys.

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Butchard Home
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Reposed Rebellions