the A side - Broken Closets

Life, Trauma/ Loss


Kidd's going to collage - he's just got to figure out the housing part of things, and figure out how he's going to talk Killer into coming with him. They haven't had "real" sex yet, but they are definitely sleeping together. Unfortunately, Killer's old man find out, and is furious. Kidd takes an elbow to the face trying to break them up, and ends up with a broken nose. Kidd -18.5 in Reposed Rebellions   They flee to his mother's home. Kidd's childhood bed is too small for the two of them, but they make due.the B side - Broken Closets

Cpt. Kidd

Its the summer after he graduated high school, and he's got a stack of paperwork he's combing though for his fall semester start date. He's gotten a full ride scholarship across the country, and is picking though the housing options. they want him to stay on campus, but that means leaving Killer behind. He's looking for a way for him to live off campus as a freshman, and hope Killer has enough to cover rent until Kidd can get a job. Maybe he can convince them to give him a housing stipend. Two weeks before the housing paper work is due, Killer's old man lets himself into the little one room above his garage unannounced and catches them both cuddled on Killer's futon together. He's furious, and screaming, and he drags Killer down to the floor and starts raining blows on his son. Kidd takes an elbow to the face trying to break them up, and ends up with a broken nose.   Killer drove him to his mom's after, and Kidd made him walk him to the door. His mother pulled them both inside, refusing to let Killer go back home or drive off alone. She let slip that Killer wiped out his savings helping out them out after Kidd's accident, it was her turn to help him.   Kidd's childhood bed is too small for the two of them, but they make due.

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Reposed Rebellions