Magic Item Index Item in 9V | World Anvil

Magic Item Index

Written by DMJustJace

There are many types of magical infusions that can be imbued into the physical. The process differs from item to item and from magic to magic but the concept remains congruent. Items are manipulated through the Weave to encase magic. Some physical items like Rune-stones and crystals or gems and jewels can store the energies of magics within them. These can act as containers for spells of arcane, runic or Divine power.   Low-level magic is relatively easy to work with and the mages of the Collegiate and the clergy of the Church are trained in its use through tools of their trade. High-level magic is extremely rare and its use is a sanctioned trade overseen by the Magistrate. Those powerful magical items like the gates of L’Astra Porta are treasures in the Empire and are highly sought after by the exploratory guilds.   The Silverhost Empire was built on the magical foundations of Arcana-Tec. Mage~Wrights of the arcane provide much of the convenience of magic found in the Empire. Arcana-Tec is a science not quite fully understood, but what is known can be studied and taught to the brightest of students. Amongst the very few who excel at these studies can become wizards or artificers, individuals who can create magic items of great power and who are often at the forefront of the exploration of the unknown.   The Church has many relics of Divine Magick in its possession. A collection of relics imbued with the power of the gods or shards of stone from the Trinity Planes that shine bright in the Astral Plane, acting as transistors or conductors on the Mater. They are able to encapsulate the Divine and amplify their power to manipulate the Weave. Their clergy all carry the holy symbol of the Argent, said to be shaped from rock from the Halo Mountain of the Divine Palace. The Church’s influential reach within the Empire ensures their ability to send their clerics and paladins to the front line for religious discoveries all across the SIlverhost.   The ancient knowledge of Rune Magic empowers the Weave in a unique way. Rune Magic creates within the weave instead of manipulating it. Runes by themselves carry magic displaying the law, the larger the rune the more powerful the magic. Instead of imbuement, runes can be inscribed on items creating a whole new magical item. Similarly, a Rune-stone is created by inscribing a capable stone that can then be placed within items, imbuing that item with magic.  

Tool of the Mage-Wrights

  Compared to a wizard or an artificer, a sanctioned mage’s knowledge of Arcana-Tec is narrow: a Mage~Locksmith might have imbued tools with the arcane lock and knock spells to use for their trade where a Mage~Healer could have a tool with lesser restoration and cure wounds prepared in their healer’s kits.   A mage’s casting is slow and expensive, they are the professionals of the workforce. They typically cast their spells as rituals. They are the people of the trade-work, not adventurers, and the stability of the Empire is built on their labor.  

Weapons of the Empire

  The armaments of the soldiers and law-keepers of the Empire's many nations are most commonly empowered by Arcana-Tec and accompanied by charged gemstones that house spells of arcane power. The air-ships of the Empire's varied navies flying technology and astral jumping capabilities are Arcana-Tec. The arcane cannons from which the fury of the Empire is dealt are all creations of Arcana-Tec. If Arcanum makes it possible, the Empire will weaponize it.   Though Arcana-Tec is highly regulated throughout the Empire, there are always instances of non-sanctioned possession and use of these weapons. Within the Silverhost Empire's planets, there exists quite the prolific black market that distributes them among other nefarious profitable goods.

Articles under Magic Item Index


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