Elves Species in Ávra | World Anvil


Elf skin is reflective because they're so ENTITLED they shimmer Elves are a common race, found in many places around the World, and are no rare sight. Their ears come to a point, and are known to be slightly taller and slightly leaner than your average human. Besides their skin tones, their most distinguishing characteristic is their ears. Elves ears are elongate and end in a pointed tip. Their ears differ in general shape, depending on the type of Elf they are.   Sun and Wood Elves tend to have straight ears that point upwards and towards the back of their heads, and are more delicate in appearance, which matches their overall biological appearance. Deep Elves have more broad ears, in line with their adaptation to living in caverns and caves. These seem to give them incredibly attuned hearing, and they are even able to articulate their ears to some degree to help pinpoint sounds. Sea Elves ears are thinner and more streamlined, and run closer to their temples, with a slight arch to them, possibly to be more hydrodynamic. Burg Elves have the most distinct ears, as theirs tend to stick out directly from their temples and fold down, due to an atrophy of cartilage near the center of the ear.   Elves typically live around 150 years, but rumors and ancient scraps would have you believe they used to live for much, much longer; several centuries, at the least. All historical records indicate, however, this has not been the case for at least thousands of years. Rumors swirl that, if these ancient scraps are to be believed, elves must have lost a great deal of their lifespan from the Shatter; and given the chaos that ensued, it may have been the case.   There are several varieties of elves that seem to have adapted to different natural habitats. Notable among them are Sun elves, Wood elves, Deep elves, Sea elves, and Burg elves.    

Species Wide Attribute

Blood of thy Ancestors

Elves can call upon their bloodline for knowledge and experience beyond their years.
  • The elf rolls 1d12; the result will determine how many generations you can go back calling upon your ancestors, as the older they are, the more likely they are to want to be undisturbed, but will recognize great need.
  • The Elf's ancestors will be able to provide skilled knowledge in their trade, fields of study, or practiced arts, DM Determination based on Story need

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